Search results

  1. BlackRum

    Is the rise in secularism causing a rise in antidepressants?

    Every time I see your railing and insults, all I can think is what a sad lonely person, slowly fading away from a wasting disease. The only thing you can do to feel alive is to hurt other people, because you can't do anything else. Don't think you are getting better, but maybe spend your...
  2. BlackRum

    Is the rise in secularism causing a rise in antidepressants?

    You just trolled someone about fucking a dog on their profile page....are you looking for a date? You actually found the page and posted that, weirdo. Usually, when someone goes on and on something, its because they have an bashing gay people, then it turns out they were in the...
  3. BlackRum

    Shenzhen quantum board MEIJU LIGHT

    That's pretty clear, you definitely shopped at WalMart. Discount all the way.
  4. BlackRum

    Shenzhen quantum board MEIJU LIGHT

    You're barely literate in English, as seen I question your capacity to process what you read. Your common sense is actually misguided nationalism. Raging against capitalism, fat cats, sweat shops, but still shopping at WalMart.
  5. BlackRum

    Shenzhen quantum board MEIJU LIGHT

    3 months ago, you didn't have a clue what a Quantum Board was. You sure are a fast learner. Now you bought one and are smarter. You learned everything about manufacturing, supply chains, and used a Ouiji board to fill in the blanks. How do you know what Samsung plans? Same for HLG... you just...
  6. BlackRum

    Outdoor grow being eaten

    Hey fool, how we supposed to see anything on that picture? You could have hailstone holes for what we see there, whats that all about?