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  1. A

    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    should not comment while messed up. congrats to those who understood previous reply. English is not our native language, ours is bad english. Im here all week.... huehue Got the final trimmed weight. 1.7lb. no where near the yield a SCROG grow can produce. Sure is an easier harvest with each...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    I did cure them for I/B. Personally I think tje buds had a "hay" taste to them. However no one else I shared them had complaints other then how strong it is. Made seasoned stonners green out. We made poor mans shatter with the kiff. It was so strong I caught the dragon. Never in my 20 odd years...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    My second grow down and dusted. Buds are massive elbo slappers. Hope they smoke good. This grow was without a SCROG but I prefer the control a SCROG lets you have. I also flushed woth ph 5.8 ro water for the final 2 weeks. Not sure if that fresh hay chloroform smell was/is directly related to...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    Not a bad problem, but still a problem. I'm running out of room!
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    Na. I make mothers first. White Rino and Incredible Bulk are next, then red dragon and super lemon haze.
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    Automation is cheaper then legacy normal relays. You're looking at 7 to 10 buckaroos of fleabay and they do down to the second timings. Thanks for the feedback. This is only my first proper Critical grow. I think I'm in love with the Critical strain. Will find more. Loving the monster buds...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    The 3nd is near. Day 41... 5 more days and I'll start the 2 week flush. Didn't flush my first grow so by flushing this grow I can see if there is a difference in taste. Next grow will also be a SCROG. I feel more in control with the netting. I've got hang wires everywhere supporting buds with...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    It will not disappoint, strongest buds, ever!
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    Half way point....
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    day 25...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    Day 14.... I have very high expectations of these two girls. bids are showing nearly 3 weeks earlier then the bulk. i am really loving these critical strains for their amazingly quick growth. they were both vegged for 8 weeks.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    auzzie critical mass from my second grow op.
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    got these new weapons now
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    just 2x HPS 600s on super mega lumen mode, bout 3.5 amps each. they are in air cooled reflectors and i run lights bout 30cms from tallest top. brand is digi something...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    Checked them today and one of the fuckers mugged me... they got big quick. They take up the whole 4x6ft space now. Was hopping yo ScROG again but unsure at this point. keen for feedback...
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    1 week into veg
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    They should double in size. I do not know what height. Will report back on current heights.
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    Critical Mass + Critical Plus 2.0

    This is my second grow. For this run I have Critical Mass and Critical Plus 2.0. They have just been flipped. Both were vegged for 80 days. Not 100% sure to scrog or not. Got a week to ponder... Happy with everything so far. They are big girls already.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Yes sir. Flipped them last night. Critical mass and a sativa strain called critical +2. spent the last few days working in the flower room. Now have a lux meter under each light and a co2 meter. Stats so far, avg 560 ppm for co2. Both lights are sitting at 54K lux. Will start a new thread for...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    misunderstanding. the buds were over dried. the cyro bags rehydrated them. mmmmmm moist.