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  1. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    I think im over watering my transplanted seedling aswell. Ive given it 64 ml of water since the morning. Its in a 330ml glass. Is it possivke? Im scared of the roots drying out!
  2. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    Nah man i pulled it out with the coco. I underestimated the depth of the god damn root of the seedling. Pulled it out snap came of half a cm of root. Im not sure whqts gonna happen now. Its still wilting but way more. I heard not to dry it out after transplant im keeping it moist. Have covered...
  3. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    Man it is still wilting. Its been 12 hours im afraid! Its even wilting more!
  4. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    Its around 29 inchee. Dont wanna dim because the other healthy seedling might also be affected. Yes it does dim!
  5. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    Its droopy and curled up so far. Keeping the coco moist.
  6. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    They are under 125watts lm561c quantum boards from samsung.
  7. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    Man. I just transfered the seedling to a smaller container. And im afraid to say i might have just killed it. While i pulled it out. The seedling made a tiny snap and i could see its roots hanging out. Is it dead?
  8. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    Im waiting for it to dry out right now. Thanks for your reply! Is it safe it transfer it to a smaller cup/containter? Also if not i guess ill just water it in a circle around the seedling once it dries. How long do you think will it take to dry off? Im scared i have stunted it for life or something.
  9. B

    Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

    basically. I dropped my germinated seeds in coco 7 days ago and they were going pretty good! On day 5 my second seedling started to droop!? I had only watered it till run off once which was before planting the seeds. The rest of the days i had sprayed it with water. Slowly i started realizing it...