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  1. S

    Lime green leaves

    Well maybe is not noticeable from the pics.... But the fan leaves all are slightly lighter green then buds area. It may be normal at this stage of flowering and i dont know... Lol Just wondering if something wrong since they were darker like a week ago
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    Lime green leaves

    Hi guys, I am close to the end of my first growth, at day 40 in flowering. It is 8 small lady's in 1/2sqm, and i have noticed a general discoloration on the leaves, they are all turning lime green, even the small around the buds. I am feeding with GHE nutes, and some worm casting tea which i...
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    Help changing light schedule

    Thx to all!
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    Help changing light schedule

    Hi guys, Sorry it may sound like s sick question, but i couldn't find answers by google it. I will switch to 12/12 next week, can i change the lights time , by giving them 12 hrs of darkness at beginning, in order to change the lights on period? It will hurt the plants giving them a new...
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    Help with deficiency spots

    Ok thanx, Since i fertigate to runoff every times, Should i flush or just reduce the ammout of nute for the following fertigations?
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    Help with deficiency spots

    You mean lights are too close? I keep them at 24"... Sorry... Nutrients you mean. Too much half of the reccomended dose?
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    Help with deficiency spots

    Hi guys, I am at my first grow, and my babies are showing deficiency spots an curv on the leafs edge,as you can see from pic. The third pic, is the one who started 3 days ago, then one more, and now the bigger one on pic 1, is getting yellow on one spot, and leafs are curving as well. Here the...
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    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Hi guys, here we are! I have got 2 of the solo kit at the end Just thought even if they are quite cold, they reach 55°(celsius) when you run them, and i have two running in such a small area so. Anyway dont really need the frame i can just...
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    Right pot specific space

    I've struggled a bit to find it in a German forum. It is the boards spectrum, looks well more complete in the green and especially red spectrum. The real point is... Is going to be a bit of headache to return the vipars and is going to delay the start for sure. But if the difference in terms of...
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    Right pot specific space

    Ok now it let me post the link
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    Right pot specific space
  12. S

    Right pot specific space

    My Viparspectra doesnt have a veg/flow button, i think that is the 450w. So is always all on anyways.
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    Right pot specific space

    ... The bundle board has two of this zeus 308
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    Right pot specific space

    Hi, good to ear you brother. As usually yoir explanations are very complete and good. As i was overthinking i opened a new thread asking for more info. Two other members suggested me, for so much better spectrum, to return the lights and for the same price, get here in Europe a board from...
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    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Good to ear that i can save money
  16. S

    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Hahahah, Ok i will, yes thought would be better ask them for help, the bundle doesnt come with dissipation, so need to buy separately guess. Plus my actual lenght is 97cm not 100(sigh) i need to cut a small piece of the profile (not a big deal tho.
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    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Ok done! I will go for the 2x308 bundle (if the ebay vendors accept the return.. Lol) I really wanna thank you both again for the time you spent helping me guys! I will keep you posted with fotos of the results
  18. S

    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Very good boards bró! The second one i need 2 right? So we go aroud 350€ its 100 more on top. But the first one is already 2 on one board which cover the entire space more less... And for 229€! I got it right it will be a very good option? In these case overall would be my best choise i guess...
  19. S

    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Ok will see if i can arrange to biild. The extrusor sound to be a bit complicated to find. If i have to buy, on sites Corey suggested me, i found the HLG 100 v2 for 150€. Two of them would be a good choise as well? 4k or 3k?
  20. S

    Help getting the best coverage in flowering

    Ok i saw the HLG 100 v2 for 150€... 2 of them?