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  1. W

    Led lighting suggestions - endless budget

    Hahaha Sound advice!
  2. W

    Led lighting suggestions - endless budget

    I tried Christmas lights.... Do not recommend.
  3. W

    Great White/Orca

    Right on, checking out this king crab stuff now....
  4. W

    RDWC against DWC

    Sounds awesome! Got any pics of your girls or setup? :)
  5. W

    Autopots and coco

    Yeah, because of the wicking the coco gets salt buildup at the top (which is why top feeding after the system is running can cause issues). That's why I use cleaners that help remove the salts.
  6. W

    Autopots and coco

    That's awesome, thanks for the perlite info! That's why they had success! Learned something new :)
  7. W

    Autopots and coco

    On the outside of the pot you'd put the gold side up so any roots that escape the pot don't grow past the control disc... If that's what you mean. Having roots grow out of the pot is fine until it's not lol I've lifted the lid to see roots entangled in the bobbing part of the device which would...
  8. W

    Led lighting suggestions - endless budget

    1000x 32 Watt led bulbs will give you the best spread. The setup is a pain, but the results are spectacular!
  9. W

    Autopots and coco

    Inside the pot, gold facing down. Outside the pot the gold faces up. You only want root contact with roots that are rouge.
  10. W

    Wow It's Settled for me....dwc GSC vs Soil GSC.....not even close....

    I thought this is the first time I've seen soil outperform dwc.... Then continued reading the dwc caught up. Weed is weed... You're growing it yourself. As long as it's not cured half assed and gets you 'medicated', who cares if it's not high times bud porn. Personally, I'm a perfectionist so...
  11. W

    Safe Reservoir Temps For DWC?

    I use a chiller kept at 67. In the summer my temps were getting up to like 75+ and although I didn't have issues, I could smell the nutrients. Grabbed a chiller and use a mycorrhizae additive.
  12. W

    Great White/Orca

    I will never not use orca. Roots love it, never any issues with pathogens or rot. It's pricey, but worth it. As long as your water temps are below 70 (which should do the job on its own most of the time) adding Orca will give you that much more success. I stick with the 20ml per 40gal (or...
  13. W

    Oh no!

    I've made so many attempts at cooling the water we could kill a challenge cone by the time I told you them all lol In the end I Gave in and went chiller. Tried coils, a converted cooler with 2l ice bottles, swamp, dry ice, air conditioner... The Edison mentality doesn't apply here when a...
  14. W

    Autopots and coco

    I've used the autopots for years. Great results... When done properly. The main issues I found is air tube blockage and nute lockout. To fix those I use airstones instead of the blue tubing that comes with the air domes and cut down veg time + a salt cleaner like enzyme komplete...
  15. W

    RDWC against DWC

    I run rdwc... Ease of feeding, ph, ppm, maintenance is a huge bonus. Not being able to move plants, more nutes are required, all or nothing root issues, different strains needing different feeding requirements/tolerance, leaks. Pros and cons to each but a dialed in rdwc will grow monsters...
  16. W

    Led lighting suggestions - endless budget

    Use the 12x 6500s as side lighting for maximum penetration. Veddy big plants.
  17. W

    Led lighting suggestions - endless budget

    12x Mars 6500 should do the trick. ;)