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  1. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    Yeah I use it and it works. Buds are super dense and filled out (even the sativas). It doesn't raise ppm so I usually add quite a bit. I must admit though that my environment has been near perfect so that obviously plays a big role as well :)
  2. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    Thank you
  3. Cloudd 9

    Mutated plant? Nute burn? Could use a little help.

    Yeah I agree with the comment above. I didn't notice on the packet that the soil had feed for 9 months!
  4. Cloudd 9

    Mutated plant? Nute burn? Could use a little help.

    Yeah that works to. Sometimes when I have a mag deficiency I spray with epsom salt which helps a lot. I personally recommend calmag though.. A lot of the time calcium deficiencies will follow a mag deficiency. It's like the two seem to come as a pair.. I believe thats why they make cal/mag but...
  5. Cloudd 9

    Mutated plant? Nute burn? Could use a little help.

    Deficiencies can occur at any time but it's defo more common in the bloom stage. I mentioned a mag deficiency because some of the leaves look as though they are getting lighter between the margins. They're also a bit blotchy. People say not to feed until week 3 to avoid burning plants. Yours...
  6. Cloudd 9

    Mutated plant? Nute burn? Could use a little help.

    Brown spots could mean a calcium deficiency. If the stems are turning puple you most likely got a magnesium deficiency. The leaves also look like they are taking on that taco shape which usually means the lights are too close, temps are too hot or both. Basic grow nutes would contain sufficient...
  7. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    Thanks everyone for the advice (:
  8. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    Thanks for the detailed response I'm definitely going to give it a try. I bought the G10 a few days ago but I'm starting to think I should have just got triacontanol powder and made a stronger solution now lol
  9. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    I have a number of fans to for optimal air flow and proper ventilation. I also check on plants several times a day. I appreciate your response though
  10. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    Because I want denser buds. Apparently products like G10 contain triacontanol which is a natural pgr. I've only seen a few reviews and most of them are from someone that knows a person that uses it.
  11. Cloudd 9

    Humboldt Gravitation 10 to dense up buds??

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this.. I've been looking for a bud hardener that doesn't contain any chemical pgr's. Has anyone ever tried G10? Also looking at Rock Resinator. FYI - I know the best way is choosing a dense strain, having cool temps and having an optimal environment however, I am still...