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  1. HeavyBUDSog

    Lets see some Beautiful colorful plants

    I want to see some of the prettiest and colorful plants you have growing or have grown! Here Is my Alice in wonderland still a little ways to go
  2. HeavyBUDSog

    How are your plants doing? Lets get some beautiful looking girls on this thread!

    Alice in wonderland started week 7 today. Some nice trich action going on!
  3. HeavyBUDSog

    Hermies at week 6 , one seed found , chopped abit but no more found , will it get thru 2 weeks without sssds

    If it's just a couple seeds I would let it ride. I would be worried about nanners though
  4. HeavyBUDSog

    Homemade irrigation system 50 plants

    We have 64 plants in a room. Auto feeding and recirculating. 1 55 gal drum per side with pump attached to timer inside ran to PVC pipes all the way down with tubes coming our for each plant with a halo top feed and flow switch to help control pressure. Sitting on flood tables that drain through...
  5. HeavyBUDSog

    How are your plants doing? Lets get some beautiful looking girls on this thread!

    Strawberry cough. this is a week ago. I'll try and get updated pics tomorrow. Gonna do some minor defoliating tomorrow
  6. HeavyBUDSog

    How are your plants doing? Lets get some beautiful looking girls on this thread!

    Thanks man! Just 3 weeks. They have about 3 more weeks to go give or take
  7. HeavyBUDSog

    Hydroton only watering schedule need help

    Thank you! So basically Saturate them pretty good and then let them dry? Have been a coco grower and just switched so I'm a little nervous and would rather not lose one of my rooms lol
  8. HeavyBUDSog

    How are your plants doing? Lets get some beautiful looking girls on this thread!

    This is a small run of 12 Alice in Wonderland I have going in a 4x8 DWC coco mix under 1000w HPS DE Gavita pro lights
  9. HeavyBUDSog

    Hydroton only watering schedule need help

    I'm switching to hydroton only as my medium and cant find the best watering schedule for my plants. Any hell would be greatly appreciated! I've got 64 plants with halo top watering rings. All of the plants are in 5gal pots and are sitting on flood tables which recirculate it back to the...