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  1. M

    heroin on an airplane

    DONT do it. Find a clinic/rehab and get prescribed some methadone. If you live in USA your gonna get nailed and under the Patriot Act your life as you once knew it is over! Dope in an Airport aint covered under the same laws as on the streets. Not good at all. Get advice and help from a Rehab or...
  2. M

    Will the real LSD-25 stand up? ! ?

    Frosty The Snowmans goin rampant and they are fkn awesome. 10 bucks fer about 12 hrs of that kinda madness. whew!
  3. M


    Dude, DO NOT TAKE THESE SUCKERS AND DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost wasted myself in a 70foot deep strip mine. I ended up sinking my truck and having to escape it while fully submerged about 15 feet or so and dropping FAST! I was in my seatbelt and it was about 2am pitch black and all I could see...
  4. M

    Is this a good amount of Salvia to smoke for a first time user? *PICS*.

    Huh???? Can you actually get high on this shit?????
  5. M

    marijuana halucinations?

    Well YES Cannabis will give you a "trippy" high if you get the right Sativa. I smoked some Durban PoisonXHaze and it's the closest thing ive ever found close to a bit of TRIP trippin. I bet there are about 200 other strains out there thatll get ya stupid enough youll think you are fryin.
  6. M

    how do these look

    Hey man they look really healthy so far and should do well. Couple suggestions right off though. Get those containers off that table surface. This helps with wet germs and temps on the container bottom are warmer which root systems love. Might wanna take a few cleaning loose medium and waste in...