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    My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

    could you grow a plant .. take a branch pull it down and root it, so the plant would have 2 root systems? and would it be worth it?
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    purple power and white widow

    ive grown a couple times. but with regs all turned out great too :bigjoint: i just ordered purple power seeds im about to order white widow and california skunk :lol: should i grow these in diff grows or what cause they will all be in the same room. and idk if they need diff grow...
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    is this true bout putting stripes on your bud?????

    hey have any of you heard of people putting uv lights on there bud whil its drying so it will put colored stripes ? cause if so i would like to know how to :?:
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    switched from cfl to hps

    i was am just trying to flower them but they might be to small to flower... and how much do you thingk it will make a difference in the budd size and quality?
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    switched from cfl to hps

    one may need transplanting. but they were kinda short and bushy already. they wernt getting streached out at all
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    switched from cfl to hps

    i had a 4 plants under 3 45 watt cfls. and they grew nicely. and fast. i switched to 2 150 watt vapot tight hps lights. BUTT they slowed down on growing a lot! they are like a foot away and kept cool with a fan. ? whyy?:wall:
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    switched from cfl to hps

    i had a 4 plants under 3 45 watt cfls. and they grew nicely. and fast. i switched to 2 150 watt vapot tight hps lights. BUTT they slowed down on growing a lot! they are like a foot away and kept cool with a fan. ? whyy?:wall:
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    how do i post my own threads... i cant figure it out..
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    im new to growing and have a question about if my watt of hps liight is good enouf ... so the 20$ lights come with everything to just plug in and start to grow with?
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    im new to growing and have a question about if my watt of hps liight is good enouf

    also. im trying a seperate hydro grow. and wanted to see what you thing about it. if its good or not? i got pics too . i got one air stone at the bottom. and got nutrients. got hydrotin rocks, its hooked up to a dual air pump.
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    im new to growing and have a question about if my watt of hps liight is good enouf

    i didnt look at that site ,i am now tho. and i went to it comes with the light , ballest, and somting else but idk wat it is. i dont know much bout thes things. lol if i got the 150s. but it dont come with a cord or anything . or does it?because that is cheap
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    im new to growing and have a question about if my watt of hps liight is good enouf

    i dont got enouf for 2 of them i can only affor 1 250 watt or a400 for 3more dollers. but if i got a couple fans would it work ? and what are squrril cages or w/e there called... its like a little thing to keep the air clean and mooving or somthing?
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    im new to growing and have a question about if my watt of hps liight is good enouf

    i live in an appartment and have to hide it and that is the only good hiding spot around and if i bought 2 150 watt it would be more expenseve too..would a small 7 inch fan do for cooling?. in the day time when i am around and awake i can take off the screen so it has more cool air to
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    im new to growing and have a question about if my watt of hps liight is good enouf

    i am growing in a tv that i hollowed out.. its a 54 inch bigscreen tv, and about a foot and a half wide. i grew one plant befor but i didnt have a timer or any good light untill it started to bud . and it didnt even smell like weed but it was ok weed.. i have 3 more now using 3 45 cfls. there...