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  1. Sophon

    HELP! Yellowing seedlings in coco!

    Little update; gave a light dose of cal mag in a watering and they are looking much happier a few days later!
  2. Sophon

    HELP! Yellowing seedlings in coco!

    Thank you so much! I'm such a noob
  3. Sophon

    HELP! Yellowing seedlings in coco!

    This is my first real proper grow and though all three of my fem Mango seeds sprouted, they are showing yellowing in their first leaves. Soil is coco with some perlite and dry amendments similar to the proportions the popular youtuber mr. Canuks grow uses. Light is a yahsense "1500 watt"...
  4. Sophon

    First real grow; 3x3 tent, 3 Mango, 1 White Widow Max

    This is my first real grow, I have a three by three tent and am growing three Mango fem and one White Widow Max fem in 5 gallon fabric pots with only organic dry amendments in Coco. My light is a Yahence "1500" watt blurple (265w real consumption). Any tips along the way would be greatly...