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  1. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    Imagine how much more you'd hate me if you saw my cock and my hot wife. :) Bye weirdos
  2. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    "i haZ 1 6o0 wat LIte ANd do A scients inn Mah ClozeT. wHY duz bad wEeD mAn taLK mE tEH truf?" Half the members on every weed forum
  3. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    Seriously, this is the dumbest thing anyone has ever typed on the internet! LOL brassicas are literally the basis of the human food chain. And the basis for modern agriculture. You're obviously a pro.
  4. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    Wow. Y'all are really pushy about your ignorance. Maybe you should have googled it? Broccoli Kale Cauliflower Cabbage Mustard Brussel Sprouts Turnips Collards Heard of any of those? They're brassicas, Y'all are proud of your ignorance. That's chill. I grow hundreds of pounds of weed a...
  5. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    Super scientific. A lot of people in these marijuana forums seem to enjoy arguing opinion or preferences. Its the sign of a farmer that is limiting their own success. Anything I said on this topic is well known, scientifically tested botany that is hundreds of years old and reaches far...
  6. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    If you grow indoors and you don't defoliate you're not gettting many viable tertiary sites. This is inarguable. Light penetration is well documented.
  7. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    My side by sides are in 2008. About 40 crops ago.
  8. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    In this industry, or even just the artistry of cultivation, there are opinions, preferences and empirical facts. All growers should suss out the difference or at least stop the dissemination of flawed notions as expertise.
  9. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    (maybe that was their goal - to control the stretch?) "stretch" = vegetative process. not reproductive. This is a broad oversimplification, as hormones are at play.
  10. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    If you say so. A billion dollar industry strongly disagrees. The new leaves all have one thing in common- they are serving the plant's reproductive process. Not vegetative growth. I don't grow leaves, unless you know someone buying em. I grow fruit.
  11. *wintermute*

    IPM type discussion

    Anyone that produces their own seed stock knows that pollen is not really a danger in a grow. First off, its very heavy. It doesn't blow around. It falls straight down. Secondly, it is rendered completely infertile by water. Literally, any garden with a regular foliar application regimen is...
  12. *wintermute*

    IPM type discussion

    I am a marijuana farmer. I watch every single plant, every single day. That's what we do. I interface with every plant multiple times a day.
  13. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    Another important point in defoliation: many growers have probably noticed how the plant will start dropping leaves from the bottom up (usually accompanied by a yellowing in said leaves, as photsynthesis adjusts to the plant's imperative to reproduce), as plant approaches 3 week of flower. The...
  14. *wintermute*

    Why is there so many opinions about defoliation?

    Um, yes you do see farmers taking the leaves off their plants. Its called harvest. Ask anyone that has grown brassicas why it is important to "pick the leaves" even if its just going to compost. In addition to reallocating energy from foliage to fruit production, defoliation in cannabis also...
  15. *wintermute*

    4 strains finished with no effects

    Also, your bananas could be herm, but it could be light leak.
  16. *wintermute*

    4 strains finished with no effects

    Sounds like your body's thc receptors have shut off.
  17. *wintermute*

    IPM type discussion

    For your continued learning....never had less than 92% accuracy using these criteria. As I said, in combo with other methods I employ, its not uncommon for 100% female germ. cheers
  18. *wintermute*

    IPM type discussion

    One more thing, sex is easily distinguishable at 28 days...
  19. *wintermute*

    IPM type discussion

    Basically I have one method of getting seeds to germinate at 98+% female, in combination with screening the seeds for sex, usually gets 99.9% accuracy. Honestly, I usually am overjoyed to find a male, to pollinate with.