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    First time aeroponics!

    Okay, so me and my friend are trying to grow using the aeroponics technique. Weve got the rubbermaid bin setup with 6 net pots and hydroton. I germinated the seeds and once they popped my friend put them in soaked rockwool cubes and stuck them in a clear bin under a 400w MH light. They seem to...

    Grow Bet- Smallest Plant Possible in 8" Tall Box

    shit that sucks. wait and see if she still opens up...

    Grow Bet- Smallest Plant Possible in 8" Tall Box

    is that tin foil or mylar? Dont use tin foil its useless it eats the light and creates heat... paint the box white instead.

    My First Grow room! WITH PICS!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!

    Thats fuckin awesome. When are you starting your seeds? I am so anxious to see the system work. I think I might just have to ask you to describe to me in detail how to make the ebb & flow after I see the rate of growth. I'm kinda excited lol. We've been looking for a good setup for about a month...

    My First Grow room! WITH PICS!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!

    Wow thats pretty cool. Me and my friend are trying to set up something like this in one of the bedrooms in his new house. How much money did you spend on everything alltogether? & did you construct the ebb & flow table yourself or did you purchase it? We were looking into buying rubbermaid...

    Male or Female? And why such slow growth?

    haha okay thanks man

    Male or Female? And why such slow growth?

    Yeah I think i need more ventilation. I have nothing except 3 two inch holes cut into the closet doors. There is a fan oscillating in the closet itself, but none blowing air into the closet. I know, I need one. Right now the lights are off for 5 hours. Theyre in foxfarm ocean forest soil and I'm...

    Male or Female? And why such slow growth?

    My plants are growing so slow it sucks. Theyre a month old now and hardly 3 inches tall. I dont know what the problem is! Also, you probably cant tell yet because these pictures suck and theyre still so little, but I'm wondering if they are male or female...

    1st grow... practice for my Alaskan Ice seeds

    So... going on one month tomorrow. I think theyre growing really slow.. I mean theyre only like three inches tall maybe and its been a month! Why is this? Maybe I am overwatering... I mean I water a little bit almost everyday... not a lot but a little... and I only water that often because the...

    Fat Chicks WTF

    Dude I'm fat and I have to go through looking at myself in the mirror everyday and shit and hating what I see and I eat really healthy and excercise all the time. I have a thyroid problem. I'm not lazy and I never eat junk food. Its people like you that make me so self conscious. Why would you...

    How Much Longer for Trich's to Turn Amber?

    great job. nice buds & awesome pics!

    Help me & my friend design a room!

    My friend just bought a new house and he wants me to help transform one of the bedrooms into a grow room. He is a plumber and hes got alot of supplies, so I thought that a hydro system would be easy for him. Neither of us have any experience with hydroponics... so I need some ideas/advice! The...

    Mildew on young plants?

    Less light? Really? I was actually gonna go out and buy more lights tomorrow... I'm probably gonna buy a ballast for my 400w hps when I get the money... hopefully soon

    Asshole Stoner... Stuffed Cat Inside Bong

    Absolutely right. The fucking DEA and all those conservative assholes need to realize its not the weed its the people. Some people just dont have fucking common sense at all. This makes me mad, seeing as I'm a big animal lover and all. Damn... how could you stuff a kitten in a box like that? I...

    Mildew on young plants?

    ok thanks guys I guess I'm just one of those paranoid newbies lol

    Mildew on young plants?

    ....anybody? Jeeze idk what to do with these damn things I wanna know if I should buy like a special spray for them or something if it is mildew... :wall:

    Mildew on young plants?

    I have two 3 week old bagseeds growing right now before I grow my Alaskan Ice seeds. I just wanted to see how well I could maintain the bagseed first... but it looks as though I'm not doing too good. I've noticed a little bit of whiteness on the leaves... and I thought it might be from foliar...


    I got a big pitbull named Tony. He LOVES weed. You just say "Tony... wanna smoke?!" and he gets all excited hell even lick your face when you blow smoke at him haha. I also have 3 cats. Marley, Ziggy & Fuzzy. The two younger ones like it, but the older female hates any kind of smoke. Annnd I...

    Dea ends raids

    thats awesome

    Bump If You're Baked!

    baked and watching clerks yeahhhhhh