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  1. S


    I'll give it a try thanks for the advice
  2. S


    And I always use calmag
  3. S


    I have mine 30 in away and I just bought a ph meter waiting for delivery now but NY water run off is at 5 and I dont understand how it got like that cause I always ph my water and nutrient I put some agricultural lime on the pro mix sk hopefully it will rase my ph
  4. S


    Th At Makes sense thanks
  5. S


    I'm using general organics bio thrive and bio root and cal mag I have been pH my nutrient solution and I'm feeding 2times then 3rd time just pH water not doing a ec. Did do a run off ph test today and Iwas reading. 5
  6. S


    I have 10 plants under a high 600watt led and having some issues here some pics can anyone tell me what's going on and what I'm doing wrong I'm using pro mix organics
  7. S


    I have 10 plants under a high 600watt led and having some issues here some pics can anyone tell me what's going on and what I'm doing wrong I'm using pro mix organics