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  1. S

    Electrical Primer for DIY LED lights

    Parallel circuits In a parallel circuit all the positives and all the negatives are connected together. The voltage that the LED driver puts out is applied to all the LED's but the current is split between them Parallel circuits are used with constant Voltage drivers. If all the lights are...
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    Electrical Primer for DIY LED lights

    Series circuits In series circuits lights are "daisy chained" together with the LED drivers positive running to the positive of the first light, out on the negative to the positive of the next light and so on until it returns to the negative of the driver. Series circuits are used with constant...
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    Electrical Primer for DIY LED lights

    No problem just trying to make sure people understand what they are getting into and can do so safely
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    Electrical Primer for DIY LED lights

    Power Power is measured in watts symbol w, It is the amount of “work” done by the electricity. Power calculation Power = Current x Voltage (P=IV) from this we can get I = P/V (current = Power/Voltage) and V=P/I (Voltage = Power/Current) Efficiency Efficiency is measured in percentage, example...
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    Electrical Primer for DIY LED lights

    Current Current (Symbol I) is the flow of an electric charge. It is measeaured in Amperes, Symbol A abreviated to amps To measure current in a circuit your meter needs to be connected in series with the load and you meter switched to the A range. Make sure your black lead is in the common...
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    Electrical Primer for DIY LED lights

    Introduction As DIY LED is such a great way to get a super efficient cheap grow light it is becoming popular but it requires a certain level of knowledge about electricity to do it safely. This is to make sure you are safe when doing DIY electrical work. (Note: I am not from the US so I will...
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    CUTTER Strip build wiring questions

    There is no need to keep the cable lengths the same, It will make no difference at all. Just make sure the cable is sized for the current draw.
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    CUTTER Strip build wiring questions

    For lots of parallel connections I would go with din rail terminals with linking strips. There is a million brands of them and the come in screw type and spring type, I prefer the spring type, Wago or Phoenix are good brands but something like the following from amazon will work. Sorry cant post...
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    Multimeter Suggestions and How Do I Measure?

    I would recommend getting a single reasonable quality multimeter and learning how to use it properly especially if you are building a DIY light. I will not recommend a multimeter to you because I live in a small far away country with a different market and pricing. I would recommend a little on...