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  1. B

    Can i do this?

    edit: im really f'in baked. :o
  2. B

    Can i do this?

    haha.. they look mad good, some are like completely purple. yellow and white hairs sprouting from some too. ... I just don't want a killer headache :x
  3. B

    Can i do this?

    So, my plants been trying to tough it out for a while but it hasn't gotten better in a long time and more and more of the leaves are turning yellow. I don't have any buds really, just really small pistils with hairs that are decently crystalized and some have purple hairs. I took the plant down...
  4. B

    Sick plant!!!

    will do.:weed:
  5. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Thanks that really breaks it down! But the soil it's been in is outside soil, when i brought it inside i just took it right out of the ground and used the same soil, threw some worms in there so they would help the soil. Didn't seem to harm it, no pests. But i'll get the foxfarm and transplant...
  6. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Earlier you said, Get some Fox Farm "Grow Big". should I just take the plant out then throw it in a plastic pot and go half and half with regular soil. Or just use all fox farm
  7. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Alright, should i just cut up chip bags and basically tape them on the inside? And should i just switch the pots now?
  8. B


    ohmygod. that looks like some bombshit dude, and i've never had a high only last 20 minutes :o especially at that grade.
  9. B

    Sick plant!!!

    ha alright, thank you.
  10. B

    Sick plant!!!

    One more question though, when adding the nutrients to i just throw them in the soil or like mix them into the water that i give the plant? And will warmer water be better than cooler?
  11. B

    Sick plant!!!

    hahaha thank you for putting up with me livesoul ; )
  12. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Thanks all. made myself a little to-do list over the break. Plant do to list. Get Light Timers. Get a blue cfl spectrum 100w Get a light holder. hold 1inch above plant. Get Nitrogen nutrients, dont add too much (miracle grow) Alasken fish food stuff. etc Rip out tinfoil, paint inside of tank...
  13. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Alright, can you sum it all up for me? I have one light holder now, so im going to buy another one of those and another cfl (Orange spectrum?) .. have the blue now. can't afford the HID. Should i still add nutes? And the whats the best nitrogen source i can use and how do i apply it? Also...
  14. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Im thinking of buying two of those lamp things, keeping my 150w cfl and adding a regular incandescent bulb and throwing the plant into veg stage for a while. then keeping it at 24 hours of light. Then switching the cfl to an orange spectrum cfl. 12/12 light when i think its ready. Im also going...
  15. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Alright this is all good. But how many lights do you think i'll need? will it still grow/bud with only one light?
  16. B

    Sick plant!!!

    What kind of lights would i need to heat it better but are still good to use. i dont think the heat from the 150w cfl is doing anything at all. Im pretty sure more heat would be excellent. And should i just mix a bit of scotts soil ( need the nitrates ) with the regular soil i have?
  17. B

    Sick plant!!!

    oh jeez! all that for one plant. alright, thanks.
  18. B

    Sick plant!!!

    what do i do to veg it for a month? and i have the cone lamp thing. so veg stage i should keep my cfl, and then when i want it to bud i should get a new color cfl? At kmart they only had the one type of cfl, ill try home depot.
  19. B

    Sick plant!!!

    Also, how do i know what stage its in? Ive had it for a long while, but its cycles are all messed up so it didn't grow right. Can i make the plant bigger for bigger yield or will it always be stunted.
  20. B

    Sick plant!!!

    i dont have a light timer and dont have access to the plant everyday so the lighting schedule was mad screwed up. im pretty definite there pistols, they have had white hairs growing out of them for a while. but ill get a pic when i visit there next.