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  1. Handro

    Megacrop dry nutes in dwc

    Woooooooooooooooooow , What ON EARTH...SO HEALTHY.....BROOOO like Please teach me all you know ROOT MASTER!!!
  2. Handro

    Club 600

    Im wondering i have a baby plant and have it at 400.. Is it safe to blast it with the 6? I MEAN ITS ONLY A BABY!!!!!
  3. Handro

    4x8 tent- 3x600’s or 2x1000’s

    What type of method do you use to control heat? AC or Fan?
  4. Handro


    Thanks, what a toasty welcome you two.❤ You people are awesome!
  5. Handro


    Yeooooo, Hey EVERYBODY im Handro. And it is very nice to be on this forum, already making adjustments to my set up. Im a newb when it comes to hydroponics etc. I hope to get better at dwc and everything in that sphere. That's pretty much it for now---> Feel free to reach out with any tips...
  6. Handro

    Club 600

    Got my first 600 few days ago. So i guess i'm in the club now. Its also a came with a dimmable ballast. I have it on 400 at the moment though. Dwc grow, set up is complete trash.
  7. Handro

    Welcome New Members!

    Newb on deck, in the process of first dwc grow. LETS GET IT!!!