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  1. MarijuanaMama89

    Currently running Black Cream Autos & Critical+2.0 Autos

    Currently running Black Cream Autos & Critical+2.0 Autos
  2. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Update: some plants seem to have either a ph issue/nutrient lockout from molasses/ heat stress progressed to light burn. Here are some pics of the leaves I removed. It almost seems like two seperate issues are happening. The leaves with color changes as well as burns is from our biggest plant...
  3. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    It's going into 1 gallon jugs. So i'm sure it'll be fine. Thanks for all your help
  4. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks. Do you know what kind of issues with the leaves can happen?
  5. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks, yea, we're going to keep a close eye on them. I have a question though. We're doing the 1/2 tsp molasses in the water to help with improved smell/taste and to give it carbohydrates. It says to do it the last 2-3 weeks before harvest. We have been doing it about 1.5 weeks so far. If they...
  6. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks. I was hoping it wasn't that long but hey, what can you do lol
  7. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    So, starting from the top: First set of pictures are Blueberry #1, on day 65. Second set of pictures are White widow #1, on day 64. Third set of pictures are Blueberry #2, on day 63. Fourth set of pictures are White widow #2, on day 56. All photos are of the main cola of each plant even if lst...
  8. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks very much. I'll post pictures very soon
  9. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks, i was assuming they were a couple weeks away as the seed bank said 10 weeks from seed to harvest. But, the white pistils are starting to colour and curl in. And we're not experienced enough yet to truly know what the cloudy trichomes look like (i know from research, clear/glass...
  10. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks, yea we're not in a tent actually lol it's a little spot upstairs between rooms that's open so we don't have a inline fan yet (currently have 2 12" fans, one oscillating and one stationary and a big square fan, so 3 total, too combat the 600w hps) but are planning on moving the next grow...
  11. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Yea, i noticed that. Can the curling be reversed or will that just look like that till harvest/until they fall off? Also, is the a way to have the humidifier produce less heat?
  12. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Thanks, the light makes it harder to see for sure. But, the leaves look healthy other than curling/cupping minus one with a burnt tip but very little is burnt. And some leaves have precious tip burn from the light during the explosive growth at the start of budding, it grew so fast we couldn't...
  13. MarijuanaMama89

    Possible heat stress or wind burn

    Hi, So we're growing 2 auto blueberrys (2 taller plants) and 2 auto white widows (2 shorter plants) in organic living soil by gaia green mixed with foxfarms ocean forest soil. They were top dressed with gaia greens organic nutrients at week 4 (1 tbsp 4-4-4) and week 6 (2 tbsp 4-4-4 & 2 tbsp...
  14. MarijuanaMama89

    Plants has some yellow spots & some tip burn

    Thanks very much for your help. I will try this
  15. MarijuanaMama89

    Plants has some yellow spots & some tip burn

    Thanks for the suggestion. I thought so about the magnesium too, but being new to it all, it was hard to identify with certainty. If i use epsom salt, how much would i use? Do i dissolve it into ph checked water then just water the plants? Also do i have to add some sort of calcium to the Epsom...
  16. MarijuanaMama89

    Plants has some yellow spots & some tip burn

    I forgot to mention, I'm doing LST. Spots are on the two on the right. The last photo in my first post was the bottom right. All other photos were the top right.
  17. MarijuanaMama89

    Plants has some yellow spots & some tip burn

    Thanks for your reply. Everywhere i read about the distance for the light has a range of about 14" being the closest, 16" being like sunlight and 25" being the maximum distance you want. I have been slowly trying to find the "sweet spot" for the light. I'll move the light and monitor for any...
  18. MarijuanaMama89

    Seedling sprouted but hasn't opened up

    Thanks everyone for your help. Just wanted to give an update. That seedling is the top left
  19. MarijuanaMama89

    Plants has some yellow spots & some tip burn

    Hi, This is my first grow. I'm growing 2 white widow autos and 2 blueberry autos in 5 gallon pots, in a mix of gaia green living soil and fox farms ocean forest soil. They're under a 600w mh (light is about 16-17 inches from tallest plant top) for now until the last one goes into flower, then...
  20. MarijuanaMama89

    Seedling sprouted but hasn't opened up

    Thanks for the reply PetFlora, but i thought with autoflowers that you're not supposed to transplant it due to the short vegetative cycle, so it doesn't have much time to recover from too much stress. It could definitely be ph as i thought that regular tap water with the chlorine dissipated out...