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  1. JealousLeaf

    Clone Bubbleponics -- Stem rot / dapping off -- Help needed

    Not to hijack the thread, but here I go anyways. What's the general consensus on the post-successful use of a bubblers cleaning? A bubbler with 2x 12" long Wally world cheapo airstones and 5x 2" netpots and collars? The cloner had clonex solution and Orca added to it once the roots struck. And...
  2. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Waybetter than 78° lol!
  3. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Check out this link It's got the same stuff as hydroguard but more concentrated and cheaper,haven't used it yet but other dudes swear by it.
  4. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    I'm no expert,but I think hydroguard is why you're able to havegood roots with those temps. You lose the ability to hold DO quite a bit when you go that high.
  5. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Nice! I'd be scared though lol. Do you use a chiller?
  6. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Fucking love it bro! Aren't you worried about using white buckets though?
  7. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Sweet,thanks man. The holes should be good,run the hole saw fast in reverse, then clean the cut with a deburing tool without removing too much material. I'm also going use pond liner and some lumber to make a giant tray around the tent and farther out for the chiller, cause you never know if...
  8. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Quick question to anyone: would it be a good idea to use aquarium silicone with the current culture bulkhead? Or would that be dumb and make taking things apart for maintenance to hard? Or can silicone be removed easy using a heat gun?
  9. JealousLeaf

    Different Benificials together?

    Nice! I love the idea of all those little dudes in the rootball, living their lives and helping the plant!
  10. JealousLeaf

    Different Benificials together?

    You've noticed an improvement with using them as well?
  11. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    This is a good man up here^^^ Anyone that's been reading this thread,if you have the time,please give him likes. Thanks Axion,and thanks to those other bros who've helped with this thread,and thanks to those of you who spread some like-love.
  12. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Oic! Outstanding! I didn't realize that. When I drove to the hydro store I forgot to look at those. For real you're a good dude.
  13. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    So you put rubber grommets on both sides of the hole and just pushed the elbow through from the inside to outside?
  14. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Oic, weird,my phone makes it look like they're clamped on lol. Thanks dude.
  15. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    What are the 1/2" tubes clamped onto as they enter the top of the buckets?
  16. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    True! Though I decided on a 3x3 tent in the end due to a 4x4 would be the exact size of the spotit would go in and I didn't like the idea of no wiggle room. I think 3 buckets is about as big as I can go for awhile.
  17. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Sweet I'll go with the bigger pump then,like you said a little more is better than not enough.
  18. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Thanks man,yeah that's why I want to do it,it seems a wise move that could really saveyou from a future headache,I'd have never thought of it on my own lol.
  19. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Oh that's smart,I didn't quite get that before,nice! Restricting the flow with the valves won't strain the pump will it?
  20. JealousLeaf

    Parts for RDWC waterfall build

    Ithink I know what all needs to be bought and what to do for plumbing now lol. Jeez. Now I just gotta figure out what gph pump I need for 3 buckets. Isthere like some kind of equation for figuring that out?