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  1. F

    Please help identify this white bug

    Ya that looks like a thrip to me. Do you also see little black flies?
  2. F

    12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp

    Thank you primobozo that’s very generous of you.
  3. F

    How should I reveg my girl?

    I can’t say for sure but imo yes.
  4. F

    9weeks no more white hairs

    That’s a scary time to be spaying plants if you ask me. Did you use neem or AzaMax?
  5. F

    How should I reveg my girl?

    Just like mentioned above keep a little green on her after harvest, feed her some N put her back under veg lighting and wait about 1 month. Water as required obviously.
  6. F

    Can somebody tell if my plant is male or female?

    Good decision sure it was a little rough looking and could be saved but it’s not worth your time I promise. Move on to the next seed or clone.
  7. F

    Can somebody tell if my plant is male or female?

    Blurry or not it’s easy to see... Sorry about your luck
  8. F

    Totally silent setup

    I grew in tents for years always trying to make my setups more quiet and stealthy, building sound proof boxes for fans using mufflers baffling etc. I could hear a oscillating fan or pc fan when walking by my tents. I don’t think there is such thing as silent. Yes you can definitely be stealthy...
  9. F


    Thanks guys and welcome Dragoz :peace:
  10. F

    Herm or not? pics.

    I second the above and sorry about your luck man.
  11. F

    12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp

    Fingers crossed bud. I've never done 12/12 from seed before so I was worried too about blasting these babies with 600w hps. I tucked them in the far corner and they seem to be doing well, they all have kicked their shells and are getting a little bigger. I don't think I need to post pics today...
  12. F

    First grow advise please

    Honestly I think you guys are a bit harsh on the guy. It seem like he has some basic knowledge and equipment and is just looking for some one on one advice. I don’t really think he meant that he is done reading and learning the way you interpreted it. He is trying and is more prepared then some...
  13. F

    what's everybody's go to drink for dry mouth?

    Coffee with my morning joint and Budweiser after that.
  14. F

    RCMP bust pot grow-op 2 days after cannabis legalized

    People play with fire everyday they know the law and the risk, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Impaired is impaired. It can be from sleep deprivation, too much alcohol, your wife just left you, prescription or over the counter drugs or whatever. You can legally have a couple drinks and...
  15. F

    Ventilation and heat issues

    Wind tunnel.. Maybe it’s overkill that is a big fan. Sorry I didn’t read all the posts. I would either exchange for the proper size or with a fan speed controller and carbon filter you maybe could dial it in. I would think that a oversized carbon filter would add some extra resistance and slow...
  16. F

    What Are You Listening To?

    I’ve been listening to kamikaze album. Killshot distrack is pretty dope too.
  17. F

    Ventilation and heat issues

    Good to hear that you got a proper fan. As you probably know now those inline fan boosters are not designed to move much air on their own. I bought one many moons ago when I started growing and I quickly realized that fan wasn’t worth more then the box it came in.
  18. F

    12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp

    Thanks but I think I might have started germination a day or 2 before some of you guys. It’s still early and I have lots of time to fuck it up. Haha
  19. F

    Totally silent setup

    I use a maxfan for my exhaust and it’s fairly quiet compared to most inline fans. I also use insulated ducting. The insulated ducting acts as a muffler and makes a huge difference for quieting down any inline fan. I don’t use a tent. I framed my room in my basement, walls and ceiling are...
  20. F

    Humidity confusion...

    Do your fans go off when the lights go out or do you circulate air for a while after lights out? Do you have a digital hi-low hygrometer? What’s your peek humidity after lights go off? Your RH is a bit high in my opinion but I would mostly be worried about spikes during the dark period.