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  1. davisgirl

    Remote DWC Underground

    Have you got the Hydroguard? I’d prepare a fresh reservoir, without the h202, and just bare bottom nutrients — your standard calmag grow bloom mix and omit any extra fancies you like to add. Add Hydroguard. And wait. In my experience, h202 and physan20 is good for a quick rinse but then seems to...
  2. davisgirl

    Remote DWC Underground

    Ok I get that. It’s a bit frustrating though because they recommend you soak the roots in it if there is an issue. Sucks that the cure can be so damaging. I’ve tried to keep a grow from a roommate before, super dicey and failed. I’d start working on how to frame it when she finds out. Plenty...
  3. davisgirl

    Trouble diagnosing issues. Please help

    Fellow noob so take my advice with a grain. Initially the light was too far away, so they grew spindly like that. Did you then jack the lights down, maybe causing a bit of a burn? I’ve done the same. In the pics, something is definitely off. Lights too close? PH pen not calibrated? Water...
  4. davisgirl

    Remote DWC Underground

    Hi! I’m new here and stumbled on your journal. Love what you have going on! Bumping up the nutes was a good move. But what happened with the physan 20? Curious, because I use the stuff to clean my buckets, and the one time I used it in an active res — well, the plant looked like that!