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  1. Bioaccumulator

    Anyone grown the new B/Grim Apollo 11 or 13?

    This site covets drama like a fat kid likes sweets Fuks sakes
  2. Bioaccumulator

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Grats, maybe you will learn the ranger roll! Oh and bottom jumper has right of way, ALWAYS!
  3. Bioaccumulator

    Picking strains

    Hard to tell buddy there's lots of cultivars that can end up in that described formation. I'd suggest a kosher kush to start with DNA/RESERVA PRIVADA kosher, Platnium or sky walker og
  4. Bioaccumulator

    Cleaning a glass pipe.

    Warm water and a glass container that can hold at least a quart of water, add a small scoop of oxy it do it work mon!
  5. Bioaccumulator

    Chuckers paradise......

    They can't go through ur chit dude, as long as u can knock the smell down and get stuff covered I feel u will,be fine!
  6. Bioaccumulator

    Cat Poop in the Planter

    Hold on let me go ask my neighbor where he came from, they told me its commen Practice in his village, Bangladesh
  7. Bioaccumulator

    Plastic dada!

    Helpful folks yes, not folks addicted to internet drama.............seriously. If u can't be nice or helpful stay away from me.
  8. Bioaccumulator

    anyone else sick of hollywood not being able to have an original idea?

    Wow ok curious one! I could care less what trip your on.....think what u want. I've done nothing wrong. Say whatever makes u feel better, i refuse to let ur chit bother me. Watch!
  9. Bioaccumulator

    just dogs

    Nope I put u on ignore, my first time meeting u was enough for me, I refuse to clutter this good thread with this trash. I won't read anything u write, I've seen enough!
  10. Bioaccumulator

    anyone else sick of hollywood not being able to have an original idea?

    Big duke six DOES NOT APPROVE of these remakes!
  11. Bioaccumulator

    just dogs

    Rofl that's not the dogs room! Thx for your insight tho! That's the dog sitters playroom for the dogs! May I ask why you assume every pic is of my houseHold? Please don't make misconceptions. Basement bedroom at MOMMAS? Wow man you a little toxic? Nice to meet u please stay away from me!
  12. Bioaccumulator

    bodhi seeds

    Indeed and they seem to compliment one another those two lights. Good setup Im jealous
  13. Bioaccumulator

    Cat Poop in the Planter

    I can't believe these comments..........u get worse exposure to nasty stuff touching door handles! Fuks sakes man! In some countries they wipe their asses with the their left hands................Ikr! Cat chit is the least of ur worries dude
  14. Bioaccumulator

    1st grow, when to cut

    Congratulations on a beautiful plant, obviously ur a loving parent cause ur here asking pertinent questions! Sweetness
  15. Bioaccumulator


    Great Lakes genetics for the fuken win!
  16. Bioaccumulator

    bodhi seeds

    Am I seeing the cmh throwing yellowish light like the hps? Or am I seeing hps? I really really want a cmh, an am broke azz bitch tho
  17. Bioaccumulator

    Seed pods or swollen calyxes

    Just let er rip, tater chip! She is good to go, either way ur golden. Cause those beans are worthy of my beds lololololol. Just joshin ya buddy but in all fairness I see a great cultivar there. Anytime I see a tacoed sugar leaf like yours.....I won't lie I drool Alil bit
  18. Bioaccumulator

    Artisan dik loaf !!!!!!!! I love these threads here rofl

    Artisan dik loaf !!!!!!!! I love these threads here rofl
  19. Bioaccumulator

    Cannaventure seeds thread

    Can u somehow make that fall into my lap? Wow man Great description......I tried to scratch and sniff it......damn it all no juju
  20. Bioaccumulator

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Kooler heads ALWAYS PREVAIL! righteous mindset brother!