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  1. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I just had an extra plant that I didn’t have a 5 gallon pot for. I didn’t plan to keep it but I ended up keeping it because I didn’t want to get rid of it. So basically I stuck it in a little 3 gallon pot and planed to give it bottle nutrients. Everything’s been fine the entire time until early...
  2. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    Obviously you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re putting words in my mouth. You’re trying to say I’m not good and don’t know what I’m talking about because of one plant I have in a different container that I’m using bottled nutes on. You should really chill out and take it easy...
  3. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I believe you said you were in no till. Definitely the best way to experiment with this is in no till since there’s probably the highest amount of microbial activity of any substrate. Just make sure that they are in your thriving substrate before you experiment with the pH. For instance, if you...
  4. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    You shouldn’t be so quick to assume people are being assholes. There was some thing said that are not true. would you rather know the truth? I wouldn’t of mentioned it if it wasn’t true that the PH is not necessary with healthy living soil. For some reason a couple people were extremely quick...
  5. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    Honestly bro, I wouldn’t say that you’re just learning it sounds like your light years ahead of most people. Slowly and surely people will be figuring out the power of organics and why it’s so much better. I am glad I found it early on and don’t plan on trying anything else. No offense to...
  6. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I have been learning about super soil and organic farming for a couple years now. When you talk to people who have been doing this and know what they’re talking about they will tell you that the pH is not necessary. From my experience pH has not been necessary at all and my plants look extremely...
  7. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I wasn’t being a dick. I was respectfully disagree with you and Renfro. I don’t get on a forum to grab points for getting likes. Part of what has been said is just fundamentally wrong. I know how to grow just fine in the style that I do it. I happen to have two extra plants I threw in 3 gallons...
  8. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    It’s normal super soil ingredients (to many to name right now). I’m growing them in my other pots with great success. The other pots have dirt that cooked and sat for about a month. I have two 3 gallon pots that are having the issue. They have the same super soil ingredients but it’s small...
  9. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I’ve already mentioned this twice and I’m gonna mention it again. You should check out super soil and no till farming. No Bottled nutrients needed and no pH meters needed. Many people have had great success with with this and it’s not just some hoax. Microbiology in the soil is the reason that...
  10. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I was just telling the other guy that you should read up on super soil and no till farming. There’s a book called teaming with microbes. It’s all about how microbiology works in organic soil. Super soil and no till farming is way way easier than bottle nutrients. All the food is contained within...
  11. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    You should read up on super soil and no-till organic farming those people would disagree with you. When you have a heavy microbial activity pH is almost irrelevant.
  12. L

    Help with possible ph problem

    I’m trying to figure out why this plant is turning yellow. It doesn’t seem to be affecting one area more than the other necessarily although you can see down below where the smaller buds are the leaves are quite green. Fan leaves towards the bottom are yellowing and on the top. I’m 21 days...
  13. L

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Can I daisy chain these together instead of wiring the way the picture shows? I have the 288’s that are separated (running 120 watts max) I don’t see the point in using the extra wire to connect the way they did. I’m assuming I can just daisychain together and then wire one board directly to...
  14. L

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    is it OK to have 20 gauge wire connecting my 288s together but then have 18 gauge wire connecting the boards to the driver? does this makes sense? Basically I’d rather not take the wire out of the boards unless I need to. Just extra time that I don’t want to spend. The boards I got from China...
  15. L

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Can somebody help me understand if this is the right wire. I know that it’s the correct red wire but I’m confused about needing black and red wire. Do the colors matter with solid core copper?
  16. L

    Useful Seeds

    You’re saying at least two times stretch? I definitely want to be prepared for that but that sounds like a lot
  17. L

    DIY LEDs versus chinease boards, Alibaba and other questions, COBs prices,

    So I was about to pull the trigger on 4 288s on Alibaba. You can get them for 100 bucks and I was about to pay $516 including shipping. Well sucks for me because all the sudden now because of the COVID-19 the shipping has doubled and is now costing me about 616 or 20You can get them for 100...
  18. L

    Root bound? Please help me I’ve had a hell start

    I haven’t given them any food yet. They’re just in cocoa coir, perlite, and worm castings With ph water 6.8- 6.5. I’m pretty good about watering, I water them pretty heavily and I always pick up the cups to see how much they weigh and then I let them dry out quite a bit. They’re dried out quite...
  19. L

    Root bound? Please help me I’ve had a hell start

    Thanks, yeah I’m just gonna check them today and probably transplant
  20. L

    Root bound? Please help me I’ve had a hell start

    I appreciate the help because I really need some right now. I’ve had a hellish start with. For the first time in my life (and I’ve had plenty of seedlings), even as a kid I would just mess around having some on the window. But for the first time, I got damping off and unfortunately it hit all...