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  1. N

    Help!!! Major crisis!!

    Hey, 420, How's she doin? No updates?
  2. N

    Help!!! Major crisis!!

    Well, 1st, ya gotta be sure its a she, right? but ya mite wanna clone her when she's bout 2 wks into veg so ya'll have more branches in case your clone fails to strike, but cloning in flower can be done, but takes longer to root, has to revert back to veg stage, I'd say 3-4 wks, but when she...
  3. N

    Help!!! Major crisis!!

    Yeah, I'd keep that cat outta there, or ya'll have a lot more to worry bout than purple stems! But seriously, I've seen a lot of purple stems and the plants always seemed to survive. So doooooooooonnnnnnnt woooooorrrrrry, bro -----------------------Nug
  4. N

    Help!!! Major crisis!!

    cats = Cannabis Asassin Terrorist Squad---------HAHAHA--------
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    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Yeah, dude, sorry bout not gettin back to ya , been busy. clippin the bottom leaves wont hurt nething, the flouro could'nt reach em neway, & they prob would'a fallen off neway! so like i said no big deal. so keep up the good work, they're lookin good & healthy! ----------Nug---
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    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Nah,i would just leave em,if they're dead,they'll just fall off neway, either way no big deal
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    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Yeah, those leaves look a lil curled 2 me too. what is ur temp & humidity? how far away are ur lites? how often r you watering? sumtimes high heat & low r/h cause them to curl like that. if its too warm in there, like over 80 deg, u may wanna put a small fan in there 2 cool things down a bit, if...
  8. N

    My First Grow - Again.

    Hey Karma, all u really gotta do is train a desk fan on that hps when its on. u will be amazed how cool that lite stays. it worked 4 me real well, u could'nt even feel the heat on the back of the reflector! those babies really need the extra lumens & spectrum from the hps during flowering...
  9. N

    My First Grow - Again.

    Lookin good from here,bro. w/that 400w hps u got there, its lookin less & less Mcguyverish! did u get it @ htg supply?
  10. N

    My First Grow - Again.

    yeah, ur first mistake was the miracle grow soil , ur 2nd mistake was the m/g ferts. not puttin down ur methods but if thats all u can afford it will do. ive seen good results w/mg products, but i would get some fox farm ocean forest soil & f/f nutes when u transplant , i hear good reviews bout...
  11. N

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    No the pics didn't upload but keep tryin. yeah i would save ur $ & wait till u really need it. u wont be sorry, just get a dual digital ballast, ur girls will love ya 4 it. i would check htg supply just 4 shits & grins they mite have sumthin u can afford now, the sooner the better. keep me...
  12. N

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    ya, those r just preflowers, if u keep the lites on 18/6, then they wont fully start 2 flower until u go 2 12/12. just let em veg like i said. The setup i got from htg supply came w/a switchable digital ballast ,a reflector, a cordset , socket & a 400w hps bulb, & i even talked them into throwin...
  13. N

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Hey WAsmoker, Nug here, thats quite a butcher job on those girls! but do not fear, all is not lost. those ladies will make it. they look generally healthy cept 4 those missing leaves & branches. the 1st thing u should do is let them rebound by growin back some of that missin foliage. ur lites r...
  14. N

    What do you think of this size hood for 400 watt HPS/MH?

    yeah, sounds like the one i have, but mine is a 600w m/h. i got it on ebay for like 300 bucks including shipping. it was a whole system w/ballast,reflector & lamp. it worked fine for me & my space was 4'x4'. hope this sheds some light on the subject. lol just tryin to help...
  15. N

    My start off grow room!!!!

    C.A.T.S. = Cannibas Asassination Terrorist Squad lol
  16. N

    Webbers PC grow!

    Hey Webber, in that last pic, is that a male? looks like it has nads 2 me. not puttin you down, just an observation . Nug------------.
  17. N


    Sorry, raiderman, just didnt know if anybody had any luck w/that type of bulb. i would think, that w/more bounces of the beam, the more energy is lost. maybe we should stick w/the old tried & true method of a big ass m/h w/a decent reflector!!!! Nug------------------------
  18. N


    Sorry, raiderman, my mistake, thats what the website said. They did'nt look too cool to me either, just a scam i guess. You really can't believe everything you read, especially sales hype . Sorry if it caused any problems, i would'nt want to decrease anybody's yields...
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    Hi all, im new to the forum, but thought i'd try to help you ''vertical'' guys out. there are hps & m/h bulbs out there that have built-in reflectors in them that distribute light more uniformly & concentrated & i dont think they're too expensive. Just a thought, to maybe get bigger yields when...
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    K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)
