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  1. C

    Co2 vs Nutriment level

    nutriments = nutrients Sorry, my mistake
  2. C

    Co2 vs Nutriment level

    I use Canna Coco A+B, i grow in coco. During the flower period i add Bloombastic for boost the flowers (it's a PK 20/21 with lots of minerlal, the combination of this product and Canna coco A+B is the best for me because i have a very hard water with high iron and i have to treat it using revers...
  3. C

    connecting multiple light bulbs in one?

    This is what i did but you need one ballasts per light , 1) install 30amp 220v brakers (can be done on the 120 but need to lower the amount of balast OR double the size of the braker) 2) use a good wire (like one for home dryer, i don't remember the size but when you buy it just ask for one to...
  4. C

    400mh and 600hps side by side is this ok

    I have try those setup, the best thing with that is to rotate le lamp each days for give all colors to the plants. Now i prefer to use an hybrid lamp for use only 1 ballasts and don't have to move everything each days. You can buy and USHIO HYBRYD LAMPS, it's a 1000w that fit in existent 1000w...
  5. C


    I used the coco for 2 years now, i can tell you it's the BEST stuff in the world..all my friends turn for coco after the see my results...This story of potassium is crap, wtf, where he hear that??? Also, the PH is 100% STABLE, it's come around 6 or 6.5 but after 2 or 3 times watering the coco...
  6. C

    it gets to cold in my flowering room when the lights off

    My room to come to cold, normaly you mus not lost more than 15 degree, but i closed light at 86 and after 12h of dark its' at 46 sometimes. But buds are good, because the lost of heat take the full 12h, so they are only at very cold during the last hours. Also i have read in a book that COLD...
  7. C

    is 1800ppm high enuff?

    Used the X700 and put MAX of 1200ppm Or a used the EC and never pass over 2.0, (you can goes higer but it's dangerous to burn the roots)
  8. C

    Reusing Dirt

    Personnally i will prefer to not use more than one time dirt...I use Canna Coco stuff, it's more expensive than dirt but no mix to do and i reused the stuf for 6 crop (1 year) before trowing the stuf in the garden. No bug, no roots preblem, no over-watering issue. Since i use this i have raised...
  9. C

    How long do your propane tanks last?

    I hown a 12000btu propane generator, the generator can run about 1h 45 non-stop per pound of gaz (but the generator never run steady, he stop when reach 1500ppm and restart at 1400ppm, it's run 5 min. and stop for 10 to 15 min. an restart again, so the generator run for around 2h per days in my...
  10. C

    Co2 vs Nutriment level

    I have start to inject Co2 at 1500ppm in my present crop, i noticed that the plants are more green and i have to water them every 4 days (before it's was at 5 days) So they look to take more water and nutriments and the yield looks better than before looking at the size of the buds. My...