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  1. SweetLeafGrower

    Distilled water?

    I used distilled during germination only. Once they sprouted I have used tap water and they're doing fine.
  2. SweetLeafGrower

    bubbleberry and ak47 smoke reports

    Blueberry is one of my favourites. It's what I'm growing now.
  3. SweetLeafGrower

    Little help for this noob?

    Thank you Dynamo
  4. SweetLeafGrower

    Little help for this noob?

    It appears I am unable to start or make a post in my Grow Journal. I tried the Resources section and looked at the thread Becoming an Established Member... but apparently I cannot even read the entire thread so I don't even know what I need to do to become an established member (or what that...
  5. SweetLeafGrower

    What is my plants gender?!

    Right on thanks for the advice!
  6. SweetLeafGrower

    What is my plants gender?!

    Right on! Good luck to you and hopefully we can keep in touch so you can keep me updated on your progress.
  7. SweetLeafGrower

    What is my plants gender?!

    Nice! And this is your first grow? Ambitious! I've decided to keep it simple for my first grow: all 4 plants are Blueberry.
  8. SweetLeafGrower

    New Member!

    Very nice!
  9. SweetLeafGrower

    What is my plants gender?!

    Thanks and happy growing to you too! I just a couple days ago but I haven't been active until now... but I agree this is a great place so far! I'm still trying to figure it all out... like PM's. What strain(s) are you growing?
  10. SweetLeafGrower

    What is my plants gender?!

    I am growing 4... started from seed July 1st but I had a rough start as well because I had a hard time controlling temperatures (too hot!) They've made a nice comeback and are still on 20/4 light cycle.
  11. SweetLeafGrower

    What is my plants gender?!

    Hi Kelsey I'm new here too and also new to growing. Your plant is looking good! Good luck to you.