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  1. Stranger307

    Harvest or nah?

    Hi everyone, It's week 10 of Royal Queen Seed - Royal AK strain. It's my first grow and last two weeks I struggle a lot to keep the plant up. I'm pretty sure it affected the buds development. I planned to harvest this Wednesday (7.11) but I'm not sure the plant will survive by then... Your...
  2. Stranger307

    Buds development

    Hi lovely people, Seeking for a piece of advise on the buds development progress. I got a Royal Auto AK from Royal Queen Seeds, If my calculations are correct - it's end of week 8 from seed. Recently I got some growing issues, probably due to PH. It seems to me it affected the buds development...
  3. Stranger307

    Advice on deficiences

    Hi all, Could you please check out the last post and advise? Appreciate!
  4. Stranger307

    Auto defoliation - HELP

    Hi friends, Growing my first auto and some sugar leaves are so big that after LST they put shadows on some bud places... What do you think about some strategic defoliation? (Just a couple most bothering leaves to expose growth to light) Appreciate your advices!
  5. Stranger307

    Heat issue or wind burn?

    Hi lovely people, Could you please help me to figure out what's going on with my seeding: I think it's heat issue or a wind burn from the fan.... It's 1 week old auto in DIY indoor tent Appreciate any help! :weed:
  6. Stranger307

    Small indoor for fun & personal use

    Hello lovely people! Doing research for some time so far and gathering materials for my diy indoor grow room. Nothing fancy or big - 1 or 2 mostly indica plants to be grown in DWC for personal use. A bit concerned with my hydro choice as no previous experience with it and soil is said to be more...
  7. Stranger307

    Tent size - Wisdom needed

    Hello lovely people! Supershort question - optimal tent size for 1 max.2 plants? Side question - 250w hps to be used, so the smaller the tent size, the more crucial the exhaust topic is due to hps heat, right? Any cfm numbers here (aim is to keep dB level as low as possible)? Thanks a lot!