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  1. J

    Organic grow unknown deficiency

    Hi all, I'm currently growing using a super soil with a small amount of potting mix on top in 25 gallon fabric pots. All plants are growing fairly quick, but then I noticed these orange/ brown spots about a week ago which makes me think it could be a magnesium or sulfur deficiency (or maybe...
  2. J

    Re-vegging a plant

    Hi all, I recently got an outdoor plant from a friend that appears to have barely started the flowering process. I want to grow this into a monster plant and would like for it to stay in veg for as long as possible. Any recommendations on how to ensure it reverts back? I've read some places that...
  3. J

    Growing Blue Dream in NW Oregon

    Hi all, I was contemplating germinating a blue dream (HSO) seed that I got as a gift this year and growing it outdoors. I was wondering if anyone else has done this before? From what I have read, this strain does exceptionally well in California, but the furthest North I've ever heard of anyone...
  4. J

    Unknown diseases (1st grow ever)

    Hey everyone, This is my first time and I've been growing outdoors. I've tried looking for different solutions to the problem and tried several methods, but nothing seems to work. My Deathstar plant has been developing some nasty stuff and I was wondering if anyone could help me identify what it...