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  1. akgrown

    Friend Requests.......Rejected

    Am i an asshole for rejecting nearly every friend request on here. I think i have a couple on my friends list. Do you guys treat riu like facebook?
  2. akgrown

    Growing ideas in The Garden of your Mind

    friend recommended this to me thought i would share with you. these were all remixed by pbs.
  3. akgrown

    Feels so Fucking Good

    any takers on what she is on.
  4. akgrown


    im am soarin right now and so are all my roomies! just wanted to let everyone know!
  5. akgrown

    Share your Fish this season.

    Its def early still for us in AK for the serious fishing to start but Im an avid fly fisherman infact gonna go hit a lake tonight for some pretty bows. so if you like to fish share your pics!
  6. akgrown

    British Comedy

    I know what ur thinking...snoore but this one titled "Spy" is a good one. Like a if james bond and family man had a tv series baby!
  7. akgrown


    Been watching this on hulu and its hilarious. Just wanted to share.
  8. akgrown

    Made it back to Anchorage

    Hey 907 tokers, i finally made the move now living in anchorage! I finally made it out of yakutat, had a great summer now time to get stoned and go do some rainbow fishing! Anyone ever want to go fishing let me know
  9. akgrown

    Small town Bullshit

    Anyone else living in a small town. you know one of those everyone knows everyone kinda places. Say one wrong thing or sleep with the wrong girl and the whole town comes down on you like you murdered someone. Anyone else know where im coming from. This town has about 600 perm residents. Being in...
  10. akgrown

    Just Got Back From Fishing

    So as some of you who know me know I made it up here to AK to work for the summer. Im out in Yakutat and got to go fishing for the first time today. the Sockeye are running hard on the Situk already. So its my first time fishing in forever and my first time fly fishing EVER! Boy I was an epic...
  11. akgrown

    My Fellow Rollitup users

    I have been offered a job in a remote location back in the Great North. It pays good, I know a girl there who is all up on me and I get to do the kind of cooking I love doing. Since its remote there is no cell service and minimal if not any internet access. I am leaving my comfy beach pad for...
  12. akgrown

    Wow Got Hooked Up Today

    So I post a thread on the SD weedmaps asking if anyone would donate some meds to a combat vet for 420. I got a message this morning saying to hit this guy up from one of the mods. I hit him up and he really hooked me up. I got a gram of SD hash and about a 1/4 Sac of Blackberry Kush but the real...
  13. akgrown

    420 Prep

    Some here make think its stupid but please keep you rude comments too yourself. NO Flamers please. This thread is all about good vibes and people. So I am prepping for 420 tomorrow even though were on a short supply. Marinating some Gringo Carne Asada for tomorrows festivities. got 4 strains to...
  14. akgrown

    Pacific Beach

    So anyone here live in PB area of San Diego. I just recently divorced and am now living down the street from the Capri on the Sea and am looking for some cool chill people to hang with. Just new to the area so if you want to chill sometime PM me.
  15. akgrown

    Demonoid Invite

    Hey RIU, I usually do not ask for much and I forget my username so Can I get an invite code from someone.
  16. akgrown

    Getting a Divorce

    So, since I dont have a facebook but I need a place to just lay it all out, Im going to do it here. Wife asked me for a divorce on friday. Been a rough weekend looking for a house etc etc. We have no kids but we were 2 weeks from our 5 yr anniversary where I was going to ask her to marry me...
  17. akgrown

    Roast of Donald Trump

    was on comedy central last night. Mike "situation" was on and his ass got booed off stage. It was so funny.
  18. akgrown

    A Funny Story

    I was reading a thread in the Cali Med section and some one asked if the Medi Soda's really worked. When It happend I didnt think they worked but now looking back I realize they worked really well. Here is my story, I drank two of the Kushtown 800x sodas practically back to back --- VERY BAD...
  19. akgrown = Hilarious Questions

    Browsing the web for topics for a Anthropology paper and found this, had to laugh and share
  20. akgrown

    Mad TV

    shit had me laughing my as off earlier.