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  1. Freddie Millergogo

    Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’ A real black man exposes a war criminal.
  2. Freddie Millergogo

    America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign When will the NeoCon warmongers - Bush 1 and 2, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Obama be arrested for war crimes for phony wars of mass murder? How many millions did they kill?
  3. Freddie Millergogo

    Homeland Security arrests 10 MS-13 gang mebers in Callie - Trump Winning!

    These CS'ers sell weed with rat poison and heroin. Winning! Make America MS-13 free again! SANTA CRUZ >> The U.S. Department of Homeland Security led a pre-dawn...
  4. Freddie Millergogo

    Here is the evil shitbag who is responsible for 33 dead people in Oakland I hope this f**k burns in hell. This may be the wrong topic for politics but that shit...
  5. Freddie Millergogo

    Tomorrow's Vote In Italy Will Be A "Wide-Ranging F**k Off", And It's Just The Start...

    People around the world are sick of the political and media elite. BREXIT and Farage kicked it off. I pray that Europeans will finally destroy the Soros/USA/NWO EU. F the EU! Italy get out of the EU because Austria is right behind you in leaving. Trump was hated by the Dems and Republican...
  6. Freddie Millergogo

    Castro created a façade for tourists – and misery for Cubans Sad. Misery and death in Castro's prison island.
  7. Freddie Millergogo

    Trump working on keeping AMERICAN jobs in Indiana at a Second Factory - Good News! He is not even President yet and he is helping American workers. 28 years of Bushes, Clintons, Obambma, NAFTA and O's TPP have decimated American workers. Good news is coming for...
  8. Freddie Millergogo

    Madonna Ashamed to Be American & Blasts Trump

    Raising money for Malwai? What about helping American homeless people or those BJs for Clinton voters she promised and then reneged on?$7.5M-for-Malawi,-slams-Trump-in-Miami-show She packed on a few pounds too.
  9. Freddie Millergogo

    Tomi Lahren Destroys Trevor Noah Over #BlackLivesMatter

    Tomi or libtard Leah Dunham? Bring back body shaming. Please
  10. Freddie Millergogo

    The people of Cuba are still selling the only thing they have - their bodies Read more: http://www.d

    Castro's Cuba. Pretty sad and pathetic. Work for the (police) state or sell your body. Yeah wonderful place.
  11. Freddie Millergogo

    Stanford study - California Pensions are underfund by $1 trillion! After averaging $77,700 per household in 2014, the amount of public pension underfunding for the state of California jumped to a staggering $92,748 per household in 2015...
  12. Freddie Millergogo

    Blue-Haired Woman Sentenced To More Than 100 Days For Scrawling Anti-Trump Graffiti

    LOL! Surveillance video showed a woman using a can of blue spray paint to deface four buildings in downtown L.A. She spray-painted vulgarities about Trump and other writings about the president-elect, according to...
  13. Freddie Millergogo

    MMJ Dopers prattling on about socialism? What absurdity

    First off - any system you are going to get f'ed over by the elites/bankers. So waste endless hours debating it because it is useless. You have no control. Okay now dopers with socialism. You spend all your hours growing weed. Do the PH bullshit. Spend money on nutes. Spend hours killing...
  14. Freddie Millergogo

    Mexican Official "Carrier Will Suffer by Keeping Jobs in The USA" LOL! She sounds like the open borders and phony "free" trade NWO globalist Democrats and Republicans aka Bushes, Clintons, Obama and the rest. Yeah Bill Clinton's NAFTA and...
  15. Freddie Millergogo

    Any recommendations for CO2 burners?

    Indoor at higher altitude. Hoping to also increase temps a little during overnight. Winter is getting colder. Thanks.
  16. Freddie Millergogo

    Flowering nutes for 32 gallon DRIP system? Powder? Something that isn't a fortune

    My new Sensei does 32 gallon reservoir with a drip system in coco. Lots of watering and runoff that is tossed. I need a flowering nute that will not make me go broke. The liquids may be out. I am thinking about 4 lb or more Earth Juice. Or maybe a Fox Farm powder? General Hydro has...
  17. Freddie Millergogo

    Decent 1000 W Metal Halide bulb for veg?

    Something good but not super expensive? I really want to get to DIY COBs. :-(
  18. Freddie Millergogo

    I am considering this kit with 9 x CREE 3070's
  19. Freddie Millergogo

    Anyone ship 4x8 or even 4x4 flood tabes to CO without charging a fortune?

    I saw someone who would ship 4x8's for like $30 on ebay and they disappeared. Thanks.
  20. Freddie Millergogo

    Second Grow - not sticky enough (trichomes) & tinny taste?

    My first Sensei is gone. My seond Sensei is great but he does not say much. I am trying to determine what went wrong with second grow in soil. An Afghan Kush and Chemdawg. Not sticky, not enough trichomes and tinny taste. Fought some spider mites during grow and did a Jorge Cervantes...