Search results

  1. westmich

    Are cannabis seeds legal to posses but not germinate in the US?

    This seems like a silly question to me so I am posting it here in newbie central: Are cannabis seeds legal to posses under Federal law as long as they are not germinated? I know that is the case in the UK and Canada which is why they can sell them, but I did not believe that to the case in...
  2. westmich

    Michigan Medical Marijuana Rights Rally - April 17

    Please come to Lansing on Saturday. The Time line: 9:00 am to 10:00 am Volunteer meeting Any one helping should be at this meeting. At “Gone Wired Café” Michigan Ave ___________________________________________________ 10:00 am to 2:00 pm The long awaited sequel to “BUSTED” DVD Viewing will...
  3. westmich

    Legalities of Patient/Caregiver Match Up Site

    I am thinking of creating a match up website, something like, but for patients and caregivers here in Michigan and I am wondering what some of the legalities might be especially at the Federal level. I would make it clear that it is not a 'hook up' website and that patients and...
  4. westmich

    Questions On Elites, Pure Lines, and Breeding

    I picked the Medical Marijuana Grower's Bible the other day. It's a great read and should be a helpful resource. I finished reading the chapter on breeding last night, but still have some questions. 1) What exactly is an elite? There was a reference to it in a chart in the book, but didn't...
  5. westmich

    Thoughts On Miracle Grow Organics

    I am back to dirt for the time being and noticed something at the local store I hadn't seen before - Organic's Choice Miracle Grow Potting Soil. Any thoughts? Anyone using it?
  6. westmich

    Can These Plants Be Saved

    Below are pictures of my plants over the last 10 days. They are growing in a closet. High heat and low humidity have been a problem since the beginning, however, I have been on top of it leaving the closet door open (and yes I am already working on a new location with more space). I neglected...
  7. westmich

    Illegal growers won't be ignored By Sheriff Tom Allman

    I saw this posted on another site and was just curious on feedback.
  8. westmich

    Grow Journals, Grow Rooms, or DIY as a Medical Resource

    I am putting together a topic/post on a medical marijuana site to show patients what can be done on a limited budget, a mid-size budget, and a large budget for patients who might also be caregivers for other patients, although, I would like to emphasize the limited budget projects. Basically...
  9. westmich

    What Is A Co-op And Is It Legal In Michigan

    I was trying to get my head around what exactly a co-op is and how it could work in Michigan. Under proposal 1 which goes into effect in April, only a care giver can sell to his or her registered patient. All other marijuana sales are still illegal. For example: if the police raided a...
  10. westmich

    Is This A Sativa

    I grew this plant from bag seed. This is my first grow and I am guessing that is cannabis sativas. This plant and the others had a rough time of it in the beginning under my supervision which is why I went with bag seed in the first place. I could understand the stress making it look scrawny...
  11. westmich

    Cannabutter - Will This Work?

    I found an old stove top coffee percolator the other day. See the attached photo. I was thinking of using it to make canna butter. I was thinking I would look up a recipe. Say it calls for a stick of butter and a 1/3 cup oil. I would put the oil and butter in the bottom of the percolator...
  12. westmich

    Best Medium For 'Straight To Drain' Grow

    I am in the process of updating my converted closet size grow with running water and drain. I'd like to be able to mix up a 5 gallon bucket of nutrients and have it water x number of plants in 1 or 2 gallon pots every other day. The excess would flow through to drain. I am growing with dirt...
  13. westmich

    Thoughts On Auto Flowering Strains

    Just wondering what the consensus was on growing auto flowering strains and what the best strains are. I have a limited grow space and would like to do a perpetual grow, but you need two light environments to harvest every X amount of weeks. I was thinking with auto flowering I could add say 5...
  14. westmich

    Marijuana Legalization Tops List of Questions for Obama in Online Poll

    Apparently, this was the poll running on - I don't even think it got mentioned here - amazing! :hump:
  15. westmich

    Creating Feminized Seeds - Has Anyone Tried Rodelization?

    Just wondering if this actually works or if anyone has tried it? I am posting the full article below and the link from where I found it.
  16. westmich

    Pruning, Trimming, and Topping

    Sorry, if this has been asked already, but I don't see a sticky on it. Do I need to top or is it a personal preference? Is there a preferred method? I don't know jack about trimming or pruning aside from maybe cutting off some dead stuff. If you can just point me to some good threads I would...
  17. westmich

    How Important Are Kalvins For Flowering

    Now that I have my grow room (old bathroom) completely dismantled I am considering some changes before putting it back together. I have a Sunleaves hooded CFL with a 125W bulb @ 6100K. The hood really doesn't work well. I need it too high up to cover the plants in light. If I bring it down...
  18. westmich

    Is It A Crime To Go From Hydro To Dirt

    My hydro is more maintenance than I planned and was thinking of converting to dirt. It's not all that much maintenance, but I am schlepping water up and down stairs and doing anything in the reservoir ends up getting plants knocked over and a few other headaches. But please don't get me wrong...
  19. westmich

    Completely Removing The Top To Reset Height

    This is my first grow and I initially got off to a bad start with lighting and have a couple of plants that really stretched. I'd like to top it to shorten the height. I've seen a few methods around here where people pluck off the top node to lose some height and make it bushier. The problem...
  20. westmich

    The Lavatory Log - My First Grow Journal

    As the title implies, my grow is taking place inside of an unused bathroom. This is my first grow after 20 some odd years of smoking. Although I am doing this to log my own experience, please feel free to comment. I would like my first harvest to be knowledge - and maybe a little weed. GROW...