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  1. Jgoasnhja

    Are my Plants Flowering on Normal Time Schedual?

    Hey guys, whats up? I am growin Thai x Skunk from AMS I am using 5 gal DWC buckets and GH Flora series nutes. I have two 400 watt HPS lights. Everything has been good, I have not had any problems. PH and PPM is monitered and temps stay around 68 - 75 F I am in the 5th week of flowering. The bud...
  2. Jgoasnhja

    First DWC Grow and small Problem HELP!

    Hello everyone and let me thank you in advance. Like I said this is my first DWC grow and I got a lil problem. My plants have started to get spots of yellow all over the leaves, not the new growth. Within the yellow spots I can see these brown and allmost black spots starting to appear. Also...
  3. Jgoasnhja

    Help Please, First DWC and I think problem is overwatering

    Hello and thanks for the help! Like I said its my first DWC and I just put my plants into the DWC system 4 days ago and they were healthy. My plants are 2 1/2 - 3 wks old now. I used rapid rooter plugs and a prop dome with heat mat untill they had roots showing. I used a very small 13watt fluro...