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  1. Hpstreet

    First time coco grow

    I am growing in coco for my first time using the canna coco nutrient lineup. I'm in about week 3 of veg and I'm starting to see signs of what looks like a magnesium deficiency. Currently my ph is at 6.1 and my ppm is at 550. Also, the leaves are starting to droop a bit so I'm assuming that...
  2. Hpstreet

    Nutrient Burn

    Hey everyone/anyone who will listen! I have a recirculating DWC setup with 10 plants going. I am currently in the start of week 5 in flower and I am getting some serious nute burn! The plants are drinking up a ton of water but it seems as though they aren't taking in all of the nutes. I have...
  3. Hpstreet

    First time DWC grow

    As the title of the thread states this is my first time growing with a DWC setup and not only that but I've only assisted in previous grow ops. Anyway here is the quick back story... I started this DWC op with a friend where he grows the veg cycle and I grow the flower cycle. We jumped a few...