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  1. lukanas17

    Can I harvest already?

    Can I ? Or should I wait longer?
  2. lukanas17

    How long till harvest?

    Could you tell how long till harvest ? It's autoflowering Strain:
  3. lukanas17

    Leaves tips are brown

    Hello, today I noticed that few of my plant leaves tips are brown, what's the problem?
  4. lukanas17

    Other lamps affecting my plant

    So yeah I planted another seed and placed her right next to my first one I though more light are better so I bought stronger lamps for the new one, but my first cannabis plant leaves are facing to the new lamp now, is that a bad thing? Should I change something?
  5. lukanas17

    Why my plant leaves are doing this?

    So yeah my girl leaves are going up, it's not the first time so I would like to know why. And btw does she looks healthy? Thank you ^_^
  6. lukanas17

    How many lumens ?

    So i'm planning on growing in box that is 2,4 square feets(0,2244 square meters) how many lumens my cfls bulbs should produce for my plant to be happy ? It's autoflowering plant if that's make any difference
  7. lukanas17

    I had to cut my plant stem

    I had really big accident(because my sister ĺeft my doors open and a cat came in) and my plant stem broke so I had to cut it off should I expect her to recover or should I just give up ? 1 photo is how she looks now and another how before accident. It's auto-flowering plant