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  1. lysergicals

    Changing Setup From COCO hand watering to COCO+Per-lite reservoir high frequency watering Need Tips.

    Hey guys I'm switching up my system to make it easier on me so I don't have to hand water any more and using this guide. I'm going to use a tank with a timer and irrigation system. Using halos and a auto draining...
  2. lysergicals

    Keeps happening every grow. Throwing in the towel

    What is going on. Is it neut burn or deficiency?? 1 month into flower, 2.5 gallon pots, 750watts of fluorescent light, not to hot and about 2 feet from the light. I'm using inert growing media with canna coco (started flower at a+b 25ml) now at A-50ml + B-50ml, 25 ml canna boost, and supplement...
  3. lysergicals

    Please Help! First Time. Think i have male plants!

    Can you help me identify if these are male or female? I bought 5 fem ww seeds from nirvana. Only 3 popped. One is a different strain.
  4. lysergicals

    PLEASE HELP! Bought Fem Seeds. Think i have 2 males.

    I bought 5 fem WW seeds from nirvana. Not happy to say the least. Only 3 popped. 1 plant is a totally different strand. And i think i have two males. Can anyone confirm. I uploaded 3 photos. Labeled male, male2, and female. These are my guesses.
  5. lysergicals

    First Grow, using CoCo and advanced techniques. Went in head first!

    Viagrow CoCo bricks 4x4room lined with panda film. 30% perlite, 70% CoCo Canna A+B CalMag RapidStart Distilling Tap water coming out at about 120ppm solo cup > 3 gallon > 5gallon smartpot T5 Bad Boy 8 bulbs 600 watt Topped once about 2 weeks veg Using LST Will be scrogging been keeping the room...