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  1. Blunted 4 lyfe

    You wanted a reality TV president, congratulations you're now a contestant on 'Survivor'!!

    This POS has blood on his hands, vote this clown out of office come November but will he leave peacefullyI doubt it he is a vindictive man child he will do something major just to be spiteful. Your thoughts.
  2. Blunted 4 lyfe


    MOM’S was RIGHT the Republican Party is no FUCKING GOOD...they threw a bone for us assholes who voted these asswipes in, so we can chew on until 2027 before real pain begin to settle in. At least I feel a whole lot better that I NEVER wosupported this GOP party but I’m going to love the look in...
  3. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Despicable me=Trump

    This POS President has to go we're the laughing stock all over the world and the GOP are enabling his shitty behavior.
  4. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Donald Trump diverts funds into his own account from a fund raiser for kids with cancer.

    How low can you go this is a piece of shit President like no other. Only deplorable human beings can support this deplorable POS. How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business...
  5. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    Former F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller appointed as special prosecutor will this end in president Trumps Impeachment?
  6. Blunted 4 lyfe

    The house voted to repeal Obamacare will it pass the senate?

    These pricks actually think they did something good for the American ppl, not only is preexisting conditions eliminated under this new proposed bill but those who also have employer based coverage. The orange turd is still promising lower premiums:shock::(:roll:
  7. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Get ready for the crackdown!

    True to his words Trump is backing off MMJ laws but not so for recreational. 6 policies Congress hid in the new spending bill (via POLITICO for iOS)
  8. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Putin errrr I mean Trump is attacking free speech

    This administration are looking into passing a law that makes it easier to file a lawsuits against news organization, this prick is too thin skin.
  9. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Sessions threatens to shut down Colorado MJ businesses then what will he do in Georgia?

    This Georgia GOP politician ain't afraid of Sessions threats.
  10. Blunted 4 lyfe

    'This shit is hard'

    These are some scary times you have Congress that's unwilling and incapable of standing up to this menace in the WH, we're at the brink of war once again with NK led by nutjobs each armed with nukes what could go very fucking wrong here? Now comes word that folks closes to Trump are 'handling'...
  11. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Single Seed Center down?

    Anyone has info on one of my favorite seedbanks? Was checking to make my spring order and site was down. I've read some comments on Reddit but it was speculation at best was wondering if their might some hard evidence on why the site is down. And also seedsman seems to be down.
  12. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Happy 420 Day!

    Just finished my wake and bake session and wanted to wish you guys a blessed day!:joint:
  13. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Congress won't stop til all the crazies can also purchase a silencer for their guns, WTF?!??!!

    First the GOP want the crazies to legally purchase guns then the Trump kids feels it's a good idea anyone should be able to buy one now congress is introducing a bill to ease up on silencer sale regulations, what can go wrong...
  14. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Darrell Issa calls for special prosecutor to investigate Russian ties on Bill Maher's Real Time

    how long will it take before more Republicans start breaking rank? Between leaks from the WH, media investigation its's just a matter of time.....the clock is ticking.
  15. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Bye Bye Marijuana State Laws

    How many believed Trump was going to let states pass their own laws on Marijuana? Think again.
  16. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Just 3weeks that Trump has been in office, half the country thinks he should be impeached.

    With the lowest approval rating ever for an incoming president and his EO that are violating people's rights not to mention ethics violations, abuse of power I'm not so sure that the alternative (Pence) would be better. After 3 Weeks in Office, Half the Country Thinks Trump Should Be Impeached...
  17. Blunted 4 lyfe

    The mentally ill will soon be able to buy guns. WTF!!!

    Now that this ban will soon be lifted by our "esteemed" senators I now have to keep my illegal firearms locked and loaded knowing my crazy ass neighbors can soon be able to legally purchase firearms...cause you know, it's their right. Thanks GOP for standing up for my rights you fucking...
  18. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Donald Trumps team didn't want Kanye West performing at his inaugural he wasn't traditional American

    If your "friend" can't perform at your inaugural because "you're not a traditional American" what does that say about the rest of Americans who are not "White", hear that Jim Brown, Steve Harvey. Trump Team's Eyebrow-Raising Reason For Not Asking Kanye To Perform At Inauguration...
  19. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Woman's March twice as big as inauguration march for Trump

    Protest marches in Washington D. C. are double in size of the inauguration march, the estimated attendance of protest march is 500,000, there are porotest marches in all corners of the U.S. and in between Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Colorado and Miami this is a movement like no other makes the...
  20. Blunted 4 lyfe

    Should Rex Tillerson be confirmed?

    He refuses to condemn Putin in the face of facts, he is a dangerous nominee for AG.