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  1. NyQuil07

    Brown leaves

    Any idea why a few of the leaves look like this?
  2. NyQuil07

    Nutrient problem?

    Just curious if my leaves are looking like this because of nutrients or could it be stress on the plant?
  3. NyQuil07

    Question about leaves

    So a lot of my leaves have 5 blades on them but some of the newer growth have only 3. is that a problem and why does it happen?
  4. NyQuil07

    I need some advice/help please

    Why are these holes here? They are only on that leave and one other leave has only one hole. Also these newer leaves look like they have a little bit of crystals on them I had a mite problem awhile back. Do these newer leaves have mites or should they look like this? Can someone give some advise?
  5. NyQuil07

    grow box setup

    Just finished my grow box does it look like it can veg and flower? I will add probably 4 cfl 125 watts in there as well. For veg I'll switch the bulbs can it even be an alright box for vegging it's 4'x4' and 6' foot tall. I only have 2 9" box fans for ventilation one pulls air in and one pulls...
  6. NyQuil07

    Grow box ventilation

    I am building a grow box tomorrow and for ventilation I just bought 2 9 inch box fans one for intake and one to pull air out will the 2 box fans be alright for ventilation? Tomorrow after the box is built I will post a picture
  7. NyQuil07

    Chopping leaves

    Can I chop off old these yellowish leaves?