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  1. S

    2 weeks into 12/12 having issues determining the sex.

    2 weeks into 12/12 and was trying to see if this is pollen sales or bud? I'm new to growing so it's probably obvious to others.
  2. S

    Need another opinion on possible male plant?

    First time growing male or am I just freaking out?? 2 weeks 3 days in 12/12 .
  3. S

    Plants will start budding soon and I need help with HUMIDITY!!

    Hey everyone, I am growing in a very small tent only 2ft x 2ft x 4ft. During the day my humidity avgs. at 40% while at night gets upwards of 65 - 70%. Being such a small space I figured it wouldn't be hard but during the day run a ac unit (not at night b/c temps drop too low) and there is a...