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  1. F

    WTF, seedlings yellowing...

    These guys are about a week from when I planted the seeds in a soil mix of ProMix with 10% perlite, %10 sand, and my friend who was helping me mixed in about %10 worm castings (when I wasn't in the room, forgot to tell him those didn't go into this grow, let alone with seedlings). They were fine...
  2. F

    90 Watt LED Grow Light!

    Ok so I just read in High Times about the HIDHut UFO Led light. Replaces a 400w HPS with built in cooling! They said it took a week longer to finnish but there was a marked increase in potency! Oh and it mentioned that in China they developed a single 200w led that is 2 inches in length and...
  3. F

    My Ultrasonic/NFT Aero System

    Just though I would post the pics of my finished system. It's a modified NFT; two 3" square pvc posts qith four 3" netpots in each. The NFT runs on a 700GPH pump from the main Res. I plan on using organics in that part to enhance flavor. I'm using a Walmart humidifier for the vapor... until I...
  4. F

    Organic in NFT

    Ok so I built a combination Ultrasonic Aeroponic and NFT system... it's gona take a while to get the ultrasonic to work so I may need to depend on the NFT for this grow. I was wondering if it is at all possible to utilize organics (specifically the Botanicare Pro Grow/Bloom/LiquidKarma line) in...
  5. F

    Rockwool Question

    I'm using rockwool for the first time as the starter plugs for my seedlings (rapid-rooters before) but I have a major issue... my Ph pen came busted today and the seeds have already been started. I used some leftover Ph Down and some litmus test strips to approximate 5.5 in distilled water...
  6. F

    Ultrasonic Cloning...

    To start, I suck at cloning, I have only ever had one survive (out of 300+) and that was in soil... so ultrasonic looked promising as a good home-made aero system that gives results FAST. Has anyone here used ultrasonic nebulizers for cloning? I built a small system based on the cheapo-aero...