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  1. F

    Plants are about a month and some time to start foliar

    What do you guys foliar feed with, i want something i use while the lights are on. Thanks
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    High Output T5 Or Very High Output t5

    Currently Looking at t5 lighting to buy for my girls. The difference in price for the 2 is about 15 dollars, I understand theres more lumens i think maybe 2500 more a bulb on the vho lights. how big of an increase on my electric would this be and is the lighting really better? Thanks please dont...
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    400 watt wing reflector -Vs- T5 8 bulb fixture

    Title says it all folks! I know this topic has been talked over again and again and the main issue is heat from the 400 watt. Could the heat possibly do my plants justice when it comes to how dry the soil will get? Right now my plants soil beds stay moist for 3-5 day. I feel like if i would be...
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    What should i buy riu root pouch or smart pots 5 gallon

    Smart pots are more expensive but they look the most sturdy, im an indoor gardener aswell.
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    Hey Riu 600w or 1000w

    About to buy a 600 watt or 1000 watt, im gonna eventually have 2 of these in an 8 x 4 so what would be best. When im where i want to be i will have 4 in a 8x8 or 10x10 area Thanks riu i need the help
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    will 2 600 watts cover a 9.5 by 5 foot room

    i know it probobly depends on the reflector, which leads me to my next question 6 or 8 inch flange? huge price increase
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    Cool tube or air cooled hood or cooled tube with hood

    Just wondering opinions, cool tubes are alot cheaper so i need to know why not to buy them
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    Dude fucking devil Cats!!

    These bastard cats of mine got into my grow room when i left the door open, the bitch ate one of my only tiny little Cotyledons on my 7 day old plant, growth is fucked right?
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    Has anyone grown (Cream of the crop Cash crop) Auto Strain

    It reads that the thc content is up to 22 precent making that very high for an auto, and it looks beautiful in the picture absolutly gorgeous. Has anyone used these with results im thinking about buying 5, if not those im going dinafem white widow
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    herbies autoflower? same company?

    is this just there seperate website? just as legit?
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    Someone please give me a seedbank that takes mastercard and east cost

    Please riu title says it all man! im sick and tired of these bag seed genetics i have been working with the past 4-5 days dont get me wrong there cute but they just love to stretch, i lowered my lights and replanted stems down. I just want those fruity little leaves that come from good genetics...
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    Checking out some ballasts! Lets Chat Riu :)

    Hey guys looking into buying a couple ballasts for the start of my collection first ballasts then reflectors, Anywho i'm so far hooked on phonics with the Galaxy Select a watt Ballast 400 and 600 (How are these in your opinion when it comes to noise from fan and all around productivity thanks...
  13. F

    Veg room lights! please quick help thanks

    Hello currently the only lights i have to veg with are 30 watt 36 inch t8's 4100k light spectrum i understand this is in the middle when it comes to the amount of lumens cannabis needs in the veg stage, But what if i have multiple 30 watt 4100's? four sitting parallell down on my plants. please...
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    Super soil quick! im going to the garden store

    super soil on deck, i need to know whats good for a base soil for my top half of my containers when transplanting my rooted seedlings or clones. Also i didnt add much humic acid to my super soil should i buy some liquid humic acid and mix it in my soil or use a microbe brew and ill be fine
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    Seed banks? attitude tells me they take cash but i cant get a order form

    I need a seed bank that is legit and fast with good deals and freebies as well please. I have heard nothing but good news from attitude but of course now i'm having problems... you can click on the money order at the bottom of the page but this gets you no where except an example form. Please...
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    What seed bank has the best version of critical

    Cash cropper here looking for a huge yielder with average potency. So far critical is on my radar hit me up please and thanks!
  17. F

    Hey RIU another good grow room question to get our minds rollin

    Room has tall ceilings that scale upwards at a 90 degree angle. Question 1 - What wattage Hid's would work best for high ceiling and light penetration. I'm looking for a nice spread but mostly light pen i need to work with these high ceilings. Question 2 - I have my plants vegging 24/0 right...
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    can i use all natural premium top soil for my seedling medium

    Can i use all natural premium top soil for my seedling medium its derived from peats and rice hulls and wood chips. also could i add some bio seed starter to it? if so i will mix a small amount with a small amount of the seed starter and then put a bunch of that into little containers to...
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    Got some bag seeds popping, had super soil inocing past 40 days or so.

    been lazy and havent veged any plants yet, thats alright i have some bag seeds at the moment that are germinating and they just sprouted, so im gonna plant them soon in some small containers. basically my question is what should i use for my organic top soil and that should be my top half of my...
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    10x10x8 room help lets do this riu thanks

    Hey guys what would you guys do for most yield, i personally love the idea of mainlining with horizontally lighting but cant figure out good lighting to streatch for my whole room question 1. I've been looking into vertigrow lately should i even get into this or will mainlining give me what i...