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    10 Celebrities Who Are Proud Weed Smokers

    Smoking weed is so cool that even celebrities do it. What’s that you say? Celebrities smoke weed just like you and me? As incredible as it may seem, fame doesn’t give you the same high that weed does. Just because you get famous doesn’t mean you quit smoking weed. And why should you? Did you...
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    6 Reasons Why Sex Is Better On Weed

    Smoking weed has long been used as a pain reliever in the medical community. 23 states and Washington DC have legalized the use of marijuana medicinally. It’s also no secret that smoking weed is fun as hell! It relaxes you and makes everything feel like all is right with the world. It is...
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    6 Reasons Why Exercise Is Better On Weed

    The words “marijuana” and “exercise” may not go together upon first glance, but they actually go hand in hand. The marriage of the two is something you may have not considered, but if you’re looking to get ripped--you really should. Listen up. Did you know that weed is actually the best thing...
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    What Is The BEST Way For You To Consume Cannabis?

    When it comes to consuming cannabis, users now have more options than ever. It’s hard to recognize the “best” form of consumption, especially since new methods of consuming marijuana are popping up all the time. Smoking is the oldest practice, but vaporizers are becoming rather popular. As far...
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    Marijuana Tourism: Its Major Issue and Promising Future

    The marijuana tourism industry is a burgeoning one with great potential because of its recent legalization. As the negative stigmas associated with marijuana use fade away, just about every tourist visiting Colorado and the other legalized states now curiously enters recreational marijuana...
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    Weed Versus Wine: The True Artistry Behind Cannabis Cultivation

    There’s no doubt that growing marijuana is artistry that should be appreciated for its beauty and power. Art, by definition is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form. Artists produce works to be appreciated primarily for their aesthetics...
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    Marijuana Edibles Industry: Its Challenges & Future

    Marijuana Edibles Industry: Its Challenges & Future Ever since pot became legalized in Colorado and the other decriminalized states, cannabis-infused edibles have had a growing presence in the marijuana marketplace. Nearly 5 million marijuana edibles were sold in Colorado in 2014 alone, and...
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    How Medical Marijuana Helps People With Cancer & Epilepsy

    Medical marijuana is beneficial for so many medical conditions. Wondering how medical cannabis helps people with cancer and/or epilepsy? Look no further, because Anthony Franciosi, founder of Ant's Organic all-natural marijuana, provided a quick overview of how pot helps these individuals: How...