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  1. Legal in AK

    *Beware of AK Green Labs*

    I've seen these guys pop up and decided to do a little research into who their are and if they were legit and this is what I have found. GC machine's are very cheap and the results they produce are typically wrong. A GC machine will cost anywhere from $500-$5000. A...
  2. Legal in AK

    Live plant to finished flowers in 9 days

    Not sure how many of you guys ever check out Charlo Greene's facebook, but I like to check it out for a few laughs every now and then. This really made me crack up though, she's posting video's on the page on 2/14(yesterday) and talking about how it is going to be ready in time for her...
  3. Legal in AK

    The Alaska Cannabis Classic, isn't this illegal?

    This doesn't even look legit. It looks straight up like a shitty money grab with no credibility. 1. They are asking people to enter 29 grams to compete. Alaska medical marijuana laws only allow for the possession of 1 ounce (28 grams) and the...