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    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    Hey guys Adrien here, just had some questions since I'm about to start cloning my plants Currently I've got 2 plants going one super silver haze that is about 3 weeks old and is looking great, also a lemon kush that is rite behind the silver haze. But doing great also. Just need help cloning. My...
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    my leafes are starting to curl on the sides

    Can anyone tell me what this is and if its a problem tell me how to fix it please lol. Thank you for any responses.
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    need an answer quickly

    at the store now is 2 t12 40 watts bulbs good? Any other specifications I should look for? Thanks for any urgent responses
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    Cfl equivalents good or no?

    hey everybody. It has been brought to my attention that CFL wattage equivalents might not be good. As in a CFL bulb that only uses 14 watts but is equivalent. To 60. Can someone please ellaborate on this? Thanks 4 any responses.
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    What is this?

    Hey guys Adrien here again. Does anybody know what this is? Maybe a calyx? please help plant is only 2 weeks in veg stage. any help is appreciated thanx!!!
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    Please help first time newbie here

    Hi everbody thanks for viewing this and any responses are greatly appreciated. This is my setup currently in using cfls I have 2 60 watt and one 100 watt I am using mg soil (it seems there is a debate on whether this soil is good or not my friend used it with great results so that was sufficient...