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  1. N

    90% THC. 1.75% CBN. 1.75% CBD

    Hey guys. bought some budder from a buddy. not shatter, but budder/wax he had it tested he said and on the lid it said 90.X% THC 1.75% CBD 1.74% CBN are those numbers possible? or was he just writing stuff on the container to help the sale? 90% seems high to me.... thanks (ps: its ol...
  2. N

    abandoned oil on the blade turns to shatter, vac purged oil is taffy. why?

    just wondering why the oil I forgot about on my blade is pure shatter now, whereas the oil that went into the chamber a little bit is a taffy, sticky oil still??
  3. N

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    Hey guys, came across some bud called girl guide cookies or something like that. small buds, smelled like blue cheese, looked and smelled very potent. I HAD to have it, nicest bud ive seen in years. bought an oz, chopped it all in the coffee grinder, froze it for 24 hours, along with 2 cans...
  4. N

    15 Lbs of trim, how to BHO properly.. tastes green. where to get large tube?

    Hello all! I have run across 15 lbs of nice trim, it has been pre ground. pretty sugary, pretty stinky. has a few stems. today I did a test run... packed 80 grams HARD into my tube, and ran 2 cans of butane into 2 separate dishes. I am thinking I shouldnt pack so hard next time...pack loose...