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  1. wouldthatbeokay

    Yellowing leaves and root rot

    Hello, I have been attempting to take care of my girlfriend's plants while she's away. For a while, everything seemed to be okay, but recently, some of the leaves have started to develop spots and the leaves are yellowing. Also, I'm having some problems with root rot. I tried to order some...
  2. wouldthatbeokay

    Nute burn?

    Growing in a Medicab Micro (DWC) and using the Lucas Formula. I found a lot of conflicting info about when and how much to start nutes so I'm thinking maybe this was just too much for my tiny baby. Should I dilute the res water? Change it out with no nutes? Lower nutes? Box temp: 78F -...
  3. wouldthatbeokay

    Growstones vs Hydroton?

    I know Hydroton is an industry standard and everyone loves it - but I'd love to know more about Growstones which are basically recycled broken glass bottles. The price is not an issue to me, I more care about results/function/etc. I've seen mixed thoughts - some people say it it keeps the...
  4. wouldthatbeokay

    Growing medium question

    Hello there :) I think I have all of my ducks in a line regarding starting my first stealth hydroponic grow. Due to physical limitations I bought a cabinet instead of building (which I know is ideal), and so it came with some supplies. One being CocoMon growing medium. I was looking for some...
  5. wouldthatbeokay

    Digital Print: Nature Utopia

    This was part of an installation I was part of last year up in British Columbia. The installation was a series of digital prints, 21"x40", Urban Dystopia juxtaposed with Nature Utopia. No one volunteered for nature. Me? Happily: In addition to the main piece, you had to make a version...