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  1. Nugs1

    New one for me....

    It doesn't really seem to be a problem with the plant but its weird and would like to identify. It appeared a couple weeks ago and then went away with no adjustment. It's a clone that is in a 4x6 table in rockwool slabs cut up, its mother was in soil in fabric pots. 4 Mars Hydro 1000, 11 on 13...
  2. Nugs1

    Moving to PNW

    Ive been on ROI for awhile, and I'm looking for some advice. I'm moving mostly cause I love it up there. I'm a VET with PTSD and do plan to become a medical patient and growing my own. I don't plan on getting in to the business I just want to not have to worry about helicopters or getting...
  3. Nugs1

    Commercial Cultivation

    I'm having a hard time finding land for commercial cultivation mostly because I can't find a good source of what counties are allowing commercial grows. I've bene going through a few counties sites and then pouring through pages of ordinances. Seems like theres a better way to do it. Any advice?
  4. Nugs1

    Looks Like OK is Legal

    Well will be once its implemented. From "Those possessing a state-issued license may possess the following: up to eight ounces of marijuana in their residence; up to one ounce of concentrated marijuana; up to 72 ounces of edible marijuana; up to six mature marijuana plants; up to...
  5. Nugs1

    Using alternate materials for hydro...

    Go to the bottom for the summary if you don't want to read it all- I thought about starting this thread because of a couple reasons, I have found some alternate mats to use for a hydro and also to let people see how it goes for me. When I grow indoors I love doing hydro, I love being able to...
  6. Nugs1

    Starting new grow clones in hydro...

    As it says above. I took these clones a couple weeks ago and all have a very nice amount of roots. I have taken clones many times and grown them in soil with no issues. It was a while ago and I don't recall exactly what I did with lights etc.. I'm wondering what others thoughts are. I moved...
  7. Nugs1

    DIY Cloner, rain water

    I've made a couple cloners in the past and I've had great success. But I've recently sparked up a cloner and after 10 days I've had nothing but death. I've come to realize the only thing that is different is the water.. I've lived on well water many years and now I'm on city water that seems...
  8. Nugs1

    Anyone know what this is?

    Saw this giant thing under a leaf on one of my beauties. I can't figure out what it is but it looks wicked. Anyone know?
  9. Nugs1

    Southeast Growers

    Hey ladies and gents looks like we are going to take a direct hit from Irma! Get out there now and check your stuff tie up/ stake what you can. It will be here soon. Sound off if you want to. Pleas bee safe out there! And give us all an update after she blows on by.
  10. Nugs1

    Already planning for next year.. Tips?

    I'm already planning for next year. This year isn't over but things are going great. My plans over the winter is to make a greenhouse thats about 35 ft long and 18-20ft wide. Inside will be a 25ft long 5 ft wide raised bed that will be 18 inches tall. Or I could split that into two. Im planning...
  11. Nugs1

    Drug Class....

    So I'm in a court ordered Drug class and the instructor is pretty chill but starts off on his state sponsored propaganda lmao. Then he says he wants to hear everyones thoughts marijuana because its "the latest craze" lol. Damn I was biting my tongue but he got around to me and I couldn't help...
  12. Nugs1

    Need a little help to identify

    Hey so I have a grow log set up and its a pretty basic grow outdoors. You can check it out if you need to or ask me. They have started flower and have had some pretty good growth. I just saw white pistils the last couple of days. I first noticed on 1-2 plants a little yellowing on the lower...
  13. Nugs1

    It ain't much but I'll do for now....

    If you look back at the postings I've made you'll see Ive had shit couple years in growing. Between drought bugs and the popo I haven't had anything finish in too long. Been getting some really good stuff from the dark web. But I think this year will be different.... I hope. I started late this...
  14. Nugs1

    Well my year is over......

    And it ain't good. Due to a few different things, all really boiling down to me not having enough time to tend to the garden as I needed (family, work etc.). I went from about 150 down to about 10 and then finally 1, that one was a mother plant that was always planned to go out but I never hoped...
  15. Nugs1

    Prepping for spring grow...

    This summer is pretty much a wash for me due to heat and super drought and an infestation, oh well pick up and move on. So in my hunts for some better areas closer water but still a decent way away from ppl. I was hiking through a secluded area not really mountains but foothills. And damned if I...
  16. Nugs1

    Spring Harvest question..

    I have read briefly about having a harvest in spring and then again in fall so... My plan is to start some seeds indoors probably at beginning of January and then around the end of Feb put them into 12/12. At the end of March when we have our last frost I will put them outside to finish with...
  17. Nugs1

    What the heck are these?!

    I posted this in the outdoor grow forum first but thought it'd might be best answered here. I first discovered these bugs on my ladies, and all the other smaller plants in the area, when i went to drop off some more clones. It was raining pretty heavily so i was hoping they were just getting out...
  18. Nugs1

    Unknown bugs and disappointing guerrilla check up

    Went out to one of my spots to drop off about 20 more clones, there are already 50 out there. I was hoping to see knee high ladies flourishing since I haven't seen them since they were planted about the 16-18 of may. But hell no. Some were barely half calf high most where a couple to few inches...
  19. Nugs1

    Fire Hydrant?!

    Ok so there's no way I am the only one that has thought of this idea. I have a big guerrilla grow going on with several spots, 2 of my spots are inadvertently near fire hydrants. when I say near I mean more like 200-250ft. My area has been going through some real bad dry spell. Rain is all...
  20. Nugs1

    Mothers go outside?

    So I have a mother plant that I have taken 100 clones from and now my season is under way. Now i have this 5 1/2 ft mother about 3 ft wide. I was thinking about putting her outside to let her grow and flower with the season. I friend of mine who's been growing for a while said he wouldn't...