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  1. Eye of Horus

    Banning a member with no explanation?

    Is that fair and just? I don't understand, I may have to leave you all forever.
  2. Eye of Horus

    Prostitution - Good or Bad?

    Prostitution has been around since before that carpenters son was around. Do you think that it is healthy for women to sell their bodies? Game of Thrones tells me that it is! Do you think if prostitution was legal throughout the US that rapes would go down? Being that if it was legal women...
  3. Eye of Horus

    Politically Correct

    Do you think that being politically correct limits your freedom? If so, we fucking agree.
  4. Eye of Horus

    Can anyone look at these pics and tell me whats wrong?

    Hey guys, I have 24 Chernobyls going right now and two of them seem to have crinkling leaves... im not sure what it is or how to fix it. I think it could possibly be over watering as they are the two smallest of the bunch but I don't drown them with water and all the water I do give them is...
  5. Eye of Horus

    If a woman can abort a child, should a man be able to initiate the abortion?

    Why is it okay for women to abort a child but when I want to abort it I have to beg and plead.... What kind of freedom is this for me? What kind of freedoms are these women keeping from us?
  6. Eye of Horus

    For the Koch brother supporters of our forum Isn't it funny how you guys keep preaching about how much more free and safe we would be without regulations? Your reasoning used was because we can just go buy someone elses product. What if there...
  7. Eye of Horus

    Curious about Veg time

    Hello fellow growers, I was wondering if you could impart upon me some of your wisdom. I have a Blue OG from G13 Labs that has been growing for roughly 4 months now. I topped it a few times so it has 8 tops now and I am just wondering how much of an impact will it make if I keep it in veg for...
  8. Eye of Horus

    TPP , doom for us all? Holeey PHuc my brothas, this is bad.
  9. Eye of Horus

    DHN - Chernobyl

    Picked up half a tray of Chernobyl from Dark Heart and shortly after I was thinking to myself that these guys should have some kind of growth pattern or tips for topping, sog, scrogg ectc.. I emailed them, let them know who I was and they immediately responded to me. I felt a sudden victory...
  10. Eye of Horus

    Attitude 4/20 Promo Any Good?

    Check out the attitude 4/20 promo, I think it is mediocre compared to their birthday one!
  11. Eye of Horus

    America the Oligarchy?

    This article just came out on Monday about how scientists have found that the United States of America is actually an oligarchy not a democracy. Here is the article, if you don't read it don't give me your thoughts.
  12. Eye of Horus


    Turn on the tv, they just blacked out fox news for 2 minutes with Illuminati messages!
  13. Eye of Horus

    Why is it that...

    No one blames lack of political participation in the fact that people have less time to actually spend on politics. It is a lot harder to be involved when your working two jobs because they won't give you full time anymore. I know when I was working 80 hours a week I didn't have time to keep up...
  14. Eye of Horus

    Is there any way to change this god forsaken bright background?

    Please help me, I cannot sit here staring at a white/light green screen all day.
  15. Eye of Horus

    BC Bud Depot GSC

    Scroll down for short version :hump: I figured since I took a couple pictures of the nugs I would post a smoke review however I won't be using the template for this round as I am way too lazy and I can't stand my eyes bleeding (still thinking, now that finals are over I have more time to come...
  16. Eye of Horus

    Holy Seed Quest Batman

    Tonight was judgement day, for over 100 seeds have been popped and only the strong will survive. Here is the list, I will keep a journal or something depends on what strain it is. Jackberry Jack Herer Chemistry 9lb Hammer Pennywise Jack Skellington Buddha Tahoe Og Headband Tangielope White...
  17. Eye of Horus

    Can you sprout seeds in soil successfully?

    I was just wondering if I could just fill some solo cups up and toss the seeds a little under the surface. I mean works in mother nature right?