Search results

  1. BurrOakGrower

    transplanting and revegging the wild wood weed help needed

    High I was out couple days ago walking my dogs and i went down by 1 of my fishing spots on a little woods pond. In a spot that i fish sometimes. I havent been there since maybe june sometime. Anyway i found 5 little mj plants. 2 were males 3 were girls. These plants are small and not much too...
  2. BurrOakGrower

    Electric use watts safe?

    High Ibeen searching around and i cant seem to find any info that i want. Please excuse me as i know that this is proably common question.What is ther max. number of watts that could be used and still be realitvly safe from suspicion? Is there such a number? 2k? 3k? I feel like as long as i...
  3. BurrOakGrower

    2 400s vs. 1 600 hps

    High Ineed something cleared up. I was wondering if someone could tell me the diffrence between using a single 600W hps or using 2 400w hps. Is it just a matter f light penetration? Which would be the best for growing my meds? I found a great deal on lights. They have 400w hps...
  4. BurrOakGrower

    400 watt lights and new flower room

    High Im thinking of going a bit bigger with my flower room. I have access to 8 400 watt hps. These were installed in a high school gym and they went to 1000 instead of the 400s. I can get them for $20 each. I was considering 4-6. What will i need to do if i want to install these 4-6...
  5. BurrOakGrower

    Miracle grow hydroponics

    I am new to hydro more or less. Ive read a good bit on it from time to time. Ive always been a soil hippybongsmilie Anyway i was doing some reading on other gardening sites, ones not intended for marijuana. I ran across some DIY hydro setup. Nothing new just diffrent instructions. I have read on...
  6. BurrOakGrower

    Ohio Medical Compassion Act 2008

    Now its time to step up to the plate OHIO!! Michigan has passed their medical marijuana bill now its our turn. The time to act is now. Lets get some momentum behind this. Many people suffer everyday and many could be helped with this. Here is a website with printable signs to distribute as...
  7. BurrOakGrower

    Natural CO2??

    High This is my first post here. I enjoy the site, Good job my friends. Well to introduce myself a bit. Im a med. grower from a non med state. I have been growing for little over a year now, and have had fantastic success. I have grown some outdoor in the past 10 years, but just a few plants...