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  1. north strong & free

    Northern Lights #5 photoperiod?

    Anyone with experience with this strain please tell me the photoperiod associated with it. It's late spring, and we have 15 hours of daylight. Will this be sufficient to leave my clones by the window without it triggering the flower phase? :? Thanks
  2. north strong & free

    Stunted Health & Growth of Seedlings

    Hey everybody. My friends first grow with a 400w mh. They were born 4 weeks ago! They are showing some health issues, and don't know if they are water, nutrient, or other causes. Here are the facts and pics: -started in peat pellets, then transferred to bigger pots 2 weeks ago -soil mix of 1/3...
  3. north strong & free

    Da Buddha Vaporizer back siphon!

    hey all. i hooked up my water pipe to the vape the second day i had it. since it was lower i accidently caused a back siphon when i laughed, and it sent water shooting into it and flooded it! I turned it off right away and emptied it and it still works. These things are hardy. I was worried...
  4. north strong & free

    7 day dry and cure itinerary

    hey i read the post about the proper cure times and that will be great for my next grow. because i'm leaving for the holidays, and i'm harvesting before then, i only have a 7 day time line. How should i do it responsibly, and then store it while i go away. i definitely do NOT want any mold to...
  5. north strong & free

    Closet Question

    I'm into the fourth week of flowering now. I've noticed that my plant buds aren't really exposed to my 400 w hps, except for the main cola and a few ofshoot buds. Is it possible to tie them down, anchor them, using LST this far into it to expose light to the midsection? This could possibly...
  6. north strong & free

    Pre-fert soil question

    hey peeps, i used scott's potting soil for my first hindsight it wasn't the best idea. i burned the girls in the first month by adding growterra 20 -20- 20. The girls are flowering now so i just added 1/3 the recommended amount of organic power bloom. CAN I ADD MORE TO...
  7. north strong & free

    Profile Question

    Can you change one of your profile names to your desire? example, stranger, learning to roll, able to roll.. I think i've seen some guys alter one of them. How do you do it?
  8. north strong & free

    What's the best book? (BUD BIBLE)

    hey, i'm currently interested in buying a book from amazon. what would be the best all inclusive buy for a reference book for growing cannabis? :peace:
  9. north strong & free

    Odour control in apartment

    I've been scrubbing but it still smells in my apartment. It's canada so people don't give as much of a f#$% up here, if you know what i mean. we are not menaced so much by the gov't like our poor friends to the south. anybody have links or ideas on an effective cheap i remain...
  10. north strong & free

    Question on ph

    How important is ph to soil and water when growing. My soil ph of scotts potting soil seems to be at 7, while the water i use is 7.15. my girls seem to be doing fine. will there be nutrient lock or no? is vinegar a recommended and safe way to bring it down or should you even bother and just...
  11. north strong & free

    Coffee grinds

    Been doing some reading and since cannabis likes soil slightly acidic, i'm going to save my coffee grinds every day and start blending them in with the soil! This should help with keeping the ph where i want it! What do you guys think? :weed:
  12. north strong & free

    When to fertilize Scott's potting soil

    Hey people! My soil is 0.07-0.03-0.01 from scott's potting soil. It's been a few weeks now and i've gotten 3 inches of bushy growth. When have you added nutes in your experience with this? This pre-fert soil doesn't seem like it's got a lot in it. would it be harmful to dose 25% of...
  13. north strong & free

    Gaia greens

    just bought some gaia greens power bloom organic fertilizer. anyone ever heard of it or use it? :weed: it's 2-8-4, in the same ration that was recommended in the faq's 1-3-2.
  14. north strong & free

    First Aid lessons needed 4 my baby girl (pics)

    This is my seedling that is struggling. Should i plan an open casket soon for her:?: I roasted her, and then pruned her. She is a pale green/yellow color now, and has not grown for two or three days now. Sunburned and stunted because i put my 400w a foot from her by rookie mistake, now moved...
  15. north strong & free

    Need a cannabis Doctor, r u a dr.?

    Hi! I need some help diagnosing the problem so i can help save one of my girls life! she has brown edges on the big leaf, and curled up brown tips on the smaller one. A few brown spots on the bigger leaf as well. using a 400w MH, and noticed this when i moved the light to within a foot. It gets...