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  1. J

    Buying online.?

    So I had hand surgery and have been trying to find bho and wax locally with no go. I'm trying to get off these pain killers. I usually make my own but with only one hand it's tough.... Wondering if and where you can buy this online if it's possible?
  2. J

    Fixing the canoe/taco leaf

    I figured out I had high temps, fans blowing to hard, and to much light. I have two leaves that are tacoed on the bottom that are not correcting themselves... Is that damage permanent? Thanks! Everything else is strong and vigorous !
  3. J

    Adding more nutes to nute solution?

    If my ppms are dropping in my reservoir how do I add more nutrients to it.... I know I have to add flora micro first, so do I just add the other two parts? Can I add more flora micro? Thanks
  4. J

    Res Change Time!

    OK guys thanks so mucg for helping me get everything up and running. Its time for a res change and im a little nervous. Some simple questions and simple answers. My res has a green tinge to it and smells a lil stinky not bad though, but looks like maybe some algea? i put a lid on the res so...
  5. J

    How cold is to cold for water?

    Res is outside the tent and it's at 58 degrees with the chiller running on low. Inside the tent is 78. Flood and drain bucket system. What is the ideal temps for the roots?
  6. J

    Powered herb grinder...

    Need a way to break up my herb with one hand. Had reconstructive hand surgery yesterday. Price is not a factor... Performance is. Thanks guys can't type much!
  7. J

    Spinpro trimmer?S

    Let me first start this thread by :(:(:(. I am having emergency hand surgery Monday.... Harvest day. I was wondering if any one has had expieence with auto trimmers? How bad do I mess up the trichs. Is there a moderately priced one that won't destroy everything. Advice on wtf to do will...
  8. J

    Most reliable, accurate ph pen?

    going on my third oaktron ph2 I need to switch to a diff brand. I don't care about the price... I was accuracy and reliability. Which ones the best?
  9. J

    Flora series schedule Flood n Drain.

    can someone who has run the flora series take a peak at their new schedule and give me some input for flood and drain. Is the new schedule spot on? 50% it up? Then full strength ? Thanks guys!
  10. J

    Will I need a chiller?

    Running an oxygen pot system, with only two pots and a 25 gallon res. the res will be filled with 10 gallons, and am using either Aquaflakes, floraduo, or the flora series... Or maybe dynagrow. The reservoir will be outside the temp help at an ambient temp of ~70 degrees. I plan to flood 3...
  11. J

    Easiest Nutes for Auto pot

    Hey guys easy question looking for a simple answer. Going into hydro and going with the auto pot. Just wondering what is the easiest and fewest nutes i can get to have a successful start to grow finish. I do not need expensive or fancy. Just something that works... maybe an amazon link to...
  12. J

    Smart Pot Watering?

    Has anyone picked up the whole pot and submerged it in a bigger pot of water? Im getting sick of watering my plants but do not want to switch to hydro.... Just wondering if this is common practice anywher or if anyone can point me to an article that maybe gives some specifics. Thanks guys!
  13. J

    Best vape pen?

    Hey guys I am extremely busy and need to buy a gape pen that I can use for flowers or wax/shatter. Price doesn't matter. I have the gentelemens but it's not good for wax. It always clogs and wastes a ton. It also oozes out. There glass globe is worse. If there is a best one please help!
  14. J

    Diving into hydro!

    Hey guys! I am thinking about diving into hydro. I was really interested in the water farm complete drip ring system but am kinda worried alge and fungus growing on top of the hydro ton. Doing some research I found this system.... What do...
  15. J

    Cheap pump for water removal?

    Hey guys looking for a pump to get water from out of buckets, and out from the bottom of my tent to a drain bucket? I was looking for something with a small diameter tube so I can just shove it in each bucket? I don't mind spending a little, but I don't want to waste money either. I tried eBay...
  16. J

    Waterfarm help!

    Hey guys For my next grow I decided to go and try general hydro waterfarm for a grow. I have a couple soil grows under my belt, but I just got an r/o system installed. I have a million questions but will just need some pushes in the right direction. First off how do I start a seed in hydrotron...
  17. J

    Rw75 Area 51 for clones

    Was thinking about grabbing one for clones and to get them started in veg? Would this be a good light for it. What area and how many plants can I fit under this for veg. Thanks guys! If you have any other suggestions I'm all ears !
  18. J

    R/O system for a small grow?

    Hey can anyone recommend a good small, on the cheaper side of an reverse osmosis water system for a small closet grow? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I need now more then a gallon a day but obviously would like to make it faster. Thanks!
  19. J

    BHO Consistancy

    Hey Guys, ran a run today, first one! Vacccuum purge and heat purged at 120... The final product is nice and amber and see through. I want it to be more sappy, Would i increase the temp when purging and to what. I want it to be easy to scoop. I hate when the stuff breaks and flys everywhere!
  20. J

    What temp under vac?

    I am going to be trying to make bho. I have read and watched a plethora of material out there. I would like a taffy, amber product that isn't rock hard, more oily. I planned on doing the double boil heat purge with water at 105 degrees. Now after I let that settle and go to vacuum purge, what...