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  1. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    NIMBIN MARDI GRASS cannabis law reform 2010!!!!!!!!!!! 1st 2nd may

    whos goin this year =] For those who came in late... "In March 1993, after a decade of raids and arrests, and a particularly intensive recent period of random street searches, arrests and rough treatment, a spontaneous...
  2. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    NIMBIN MARDI GRASS cannabis law reform 2010!!!!!!!!!!! 1st 2nd may

    whos goin this year =] For those who came in late... "In March 1993, after a decade of raids and arrests, and a particularly intensive recent period of random street searches, arrests and rough treatment, a spontaneous...
  3. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    what would happen

    if i put my 2 month old plant in darkness for a day or two? would make it flower faster then just putting it into 12/12?
  4. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    harvesting after rain? bad idea?

    its been raining here for about 2 weeks on and off with maybe an hours sun a day then the rest cloud. is harvesting after it has been raining bad, like does it wash off the good shit ;] ?
  5. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    harvesting after rain? bad idea?

    its been rainging here for about 2 weeks on and off with maybe an hours sun a day then the rest cloud. is harvesting after it has been raining bad, like does it wash off the good shit ;] ?
  6. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    yea like... bees.. nesting.. near my plant, in the wall of my house....

    yea, ive had this plant in my backyard for a while now, i bent it over so it wouldnt be so high, lst. this is my first plant ive ever grown, i think it looks great. but this arvo i walk out there n theres fucken bees everywhere, these are aussie bees, just ordinary 1's n there like crawlin into...
  7. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    plucking the things in the nodes???

    my mate came over and told me his dad plucks the things in the nodes of the off shoots. this is my first plant, its about 4 feet tall but ive tied it down so the shoots grow up. whats my mate on about and what does it do??
  8. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    female pistils just started but brown???

    the first plant ive ever grown is in my backyard about 3 feet tall and ive just relised its a female by learning about pre flowers, and the 2 tiny hairs on the thing inbetween the stem and branche are like brown and sorta dead looking at the tips, normal? nothing else wrong with the plant, but i...
  9. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    cloning prob, real droopy

    okay so i 2 cuttings from my plant out bak and put them in rockwool and into a little humidity dome, then the next day i threw em in the sun, big mistake cos they shrivled to the max, so i got 3 more cuttings and the 2 shrivling 1's and put em into a bigger humidity dome and threw them under my...
  10. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    best hydroponics system

    im gonna buy a hydroponics system after failing to make a dwc (got lazy) and i was wondering what the best system is, ive got about $200 including post. i fell in love with the stealth hydro dwc and drip 1's but they dont post to aus, and because of the au dollar to us dollar conversion, i cant...
  11. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    warts on my stem?

    so im at my mates place and he goes to me oi my plants like growin warts or sum shit, i was like.. laughin n shit, so i looked at it and it has a really bumpy stem and its like these black things have burrowed into it??? is this scale or watever? needs help quicks
  12. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    can i use both lights?

    i have 2 100 watt cfls, 1 is 64k the other 27k can i use both at the same time or is it better to use just 64k for veg and 27k for flower. i just dont want to waste elec on using the other 100 watter when i could be using more lights of the same spectrum
  13. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    what the helzzz, snailz?

    i leave it for 1 night, and the next day i get bak, and its just.. fucked. im thinkin its snails, but i dont even know if snails eat weed, should i just get snail pellets or watever there called? or could it be catipillars? on the leaves that have been eaten, theres little clear trails on...
  14. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    new grow space

    i still gota cover it up on the side, and theres a sheet that comes down to cover it up more, but do use think that this 1 fan will be enough?
  15. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    100 watt cfl how far away?

    how far away should i put my 100 watt cfl from my plants when they germ? and when should i put the fan in? and should i have the fan goin all the time when the light is on?
  16. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    can heat stress do this?

    or is this just cos i had my plant to close to the light? cos before i went to school i moved it a bit closer and i forgot to turn on the fan, and i got home and it was lookin like this....
  17. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    hows everyone germinating?

    i wanna know wat everyones doin to germinate and wat u think the best way is, wat do u have the most success with. i have some rockwool cubes and a cd spindle propigator, but i dont think its workin, its heaps humid in there cos the walls are wet, but i dont think its cracked after about 4 days...
  18. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    cfl's and fluro's???

    wats the dif, i have 2 fluros that look like cfls but big.. u know wat i mean??? ill give yas a link GROWLUSH HYDROPONIC 100W ENERGY SAVER LAMP 2700K +BONUS - eBay Other Hydroponics, Hydroponics, Gardening, Lawn Care, Home. (end time 10-Oct-08 13:32:52 AEST) i have 2 of these, but 1 is 64k and...
  19. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    any aussies that buy seeds?

    im wondering if theres any ozzies on the site and if theyve ever baught seeds from an over seas bank? how do u do it without gettin caught???